
Active Member
My dash board has the typical bonnet open message. It has been bypassed at the switch in the past but seems to have a break further down the wiring.

Could someone tell me where the wires originate so i can bypass them further down the line.

Follow the wires from the switch. Better still get the switch working properly. Bonnet open message is when Purple/White wire to switch is grounded through switch. Twisting the two wires together will put message on. Disconnecting them will turn it off.
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I have to slam mine on the nearside or it just isnt enough to put that annoying beep and bonnet open away
I have to slam mine on the nearside or it just isnt enough to put that annoying beep and bonnet open away

you could adjust the striker !!

Funny that seeing as how the bonnet switch is on the O/S catch. :D:D


Mine has a dent in the bonnet from a PO trying to force it down.. the striker is easy enough to adjust !!
It would help if you explained what the problem was, it may help others.

I can only think from what he said in his first post that the wires had been taken off the switch and joined. Which would of course put the bonnet open message on. If the switch is dicky just pulling the plug will get rid of the message. :)

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