Hi There, i have just joined in the hope someone will have some advise for my problem, i have a 99 p38 i bought it last july, however the battery didnt seem to be much cop, so at xmas i replaced it with a new one but even with the new battery it still struggles to start after only a couple of days of none use, is this normal?? i have tested the battery to see if anything is draining it while the car is locked and alarmed but it showing 0.50 on the meter so that hasnt helped,, erm so if anyone has any info on this or had a similar problem please can you let me know
Thanks :)
i had exactly the same problem - the rf reciever for your key fob has a design fault - it wakes up the ecu every time it recieves any signal - ie wireless internet or other key fobs & drains the battery

a newer reciever without the fault is about 150 quid

however following advice here i disconnected the aerial on mine - reduced the range of the remote but no flat battery & no 150 £ bill
Hi Pockers, thank you for the info i have just been looking into the rf receiver thing, sirus pointed me in that direction, i have read some of the posts about it, so i am going to unplug it & hope it fixes the flat battery, so you say it is a design fault and its £150 for the upgrade to fix it, surely that should of been a re-call and let them fix it (if only) but thanks again, (sorry for calling you bill lol)
Cant remeber why but people have tried to get Land rover to upgrade the rf reciever for free but it aint gonna happen

just to clarify - when u find the receiver box it has two plugs - one has a single blue wire which is the aerial - this is what i unplugged , the other one is the power lead - if you unplug that your remote wont work at all (well thats how it is on my one )

good luck & happy rangeying

Cant remeber why but people have tried to get Land rover to upgrade the rf reciever for free but it aint gonna happen

I tried, but were unsuccessful. I believe the problem lies on the fact it works it just doesn't work well all the time.

I argued that may of been the case some 12 or so years ago when Wireless routers weren't so prevalent then, but now it seems this is the major cause along with RF wireless CCTV in car parks.

I also argued the point that LR only admitted this back in 2004, two years after the final P38 rolled off the production line. Also they tried to fix the problem twice and only on the third time got it right.

What I will add though that at some point, the disconnection of the RF receiver will not work as you may have to park next to a CCTV camera in a Car Park soon enough and the strength of the signal will still get through to the security system and drain your battery and immobilise the engine leaving you stranded in need of a flat truck back to the garage at the cost of £160 each time plus a testbook at £90 a go.

It's simply false economy not to buy the new RF receiver part number YWY500170 and fit it.
Hi, I found the correct wire and unplugged it last night, unfortuately my car still played up this morning so i am in the process of checking the heater plugs, it started but not first time, it definately was charged ok so i must have two conflicting problems not one, the car hadnt been left long enough for the battery to go flat, can i also ask what you recommend as being the best engine oil to use, my car is p38 2.5 dse
One way to check for sure if it is the rf receiver is lock the RR with the remote. (obviously with the rf connected as it should be) Then go out in the dark and look carefully through the drivers window and see if the little red gear selector light is glowing. If it is then you have local interference waking up your BECM ("the brain"). The light will go out but will come on again. Depends if you want to stand out there long enough to see. Whilst that light is on and your BECM is awake it is drawing nearly 2 amps from your battery. This every night for two days or so = flat battery.
I had exactly the same problem and then found this good site.
Incidently I unplugged my rf receiver and it starts perrrfectly. Even after sitting for a week or more. Where as it wouldn't turn over after only two days.
Do a few more searches and you'll find out more.
Cheers and welcome!
Mine is a manual so i dont have the red indicator light to check, but im more than convinced it had to do with the battery going flat, but its turning into a much bigger problem now, as i said i had 2 conflicting problems, (Heat plugs tested to be ok) as turns out i found that the fuel pipe up to the fuel filter had air bubbles in which indicates a leak somewhere, it had been using more water than normal, we have found a pipe to the heater matrix which is leaking, so my poor car is at the moment in bits, dash parts everywhere, its looking like its going to be off the road for a few days,
I will keep you posted
:( :( :( :( :(
I tried, but were unsuccessful. I believe the problem lies on the fact it works it just doesn't work well all the time.

I argued that may of been the case some 12 or so years ago when Wireless routers weren't so prevalent then, but now it seems this is the major cause along with RF wireless CCTV in car parks.

I also argued the point that LR only admitted this back in 2004, two years after the final P38 rolled off the production line. Also they tried to fix the problem twice and only on the third time got it right.

What I will add though that at some point, the disconnection of the RF receiver will not work as you may have to park next to a CCTV camera in a Car Park soon enough and the strength of the signal will still get through to the security system and drain your battery and immobilise the engine leaving you stranded in need of a flat truck back to the garage at the cost of £160 each time plus a testbook at £90 a go.

It's simply false economy not to buy the new RF receiver part number YWY500170 and fit it.

i started to have trouble with this since xmas! pulled aireal from receiver and problem disapeared! got the new reciver (£152) and now the remote will lock it from a good 5-6 meters away, before i was lucky to get 1 meter! its bloody expensive, well its a complete rip off, its a tiny tiny circuit board, but it has done the trick! overhaul im happy.

i now have new battery, new 120 amp alternator and a load of additional earths, along with decent rf reciever. i have the same voltage at the battery as i do at the rear of the alternator and earth, no loss anywhere! yippee!

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