handle better than p38

I had a Disco on coils before the P38. No way did handle better than the P38. The p38 is in a totally different class regarding comfort, ride and handling qualities. Also the other remark you made about the EAS is not sophisticated, as it only varies the height. That is not correct. It maintains height and trim both longitudally and laterally no matter what the load. Unlike a fully loaded coil version with it's arse on the floor and nose in the air.
depends what you what hiegth adjustment isnt that sophisticated it doesnt adjust pressures to help cornering ,factory settings have allways been a compromise to suit wide range of situations and people those that want on road firm ride that doesnt wallow might prefer a good coil setup giving that, ididnt say coils where sophisticated but are cheap ,reliable ,and can be set to your preference,i dont mind what people prefer its just the religous zeal against anything not written lr holy bible that ****s me of,you keep your air but dont deride people that prefer other

Get yourself a bike pump and put your finger over the outlet. As you push down on it does the resistance increase. I would say the pressure within it is being increased as it is depressed wouldn't you. An air spring works in just the same way as a coil. As it is depressed the resistance increases.
Jeeze, what a can of worms I opened there!!!!!
Seems to me to be down to personal preference, changing to coils appears to be very much suck it and see.
As for comparing the ride on your P38 to a Transit, blimey, I would hope the P38 is better than a tranny.

Bottom line:- For sale, one Vogue 50, 92,000 miles.
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i know how it works , but if it could work fast enough to hold car stable it would be something i liked but it dosent ,and heavy 4 wheel trailers can confuse it when they take wieght on bumpy roads ,probably a good comfy ride for many ,but not for those that like sure footed ride,apart from stupidly home off road made defenders its the vehicle you hold steering with 2 hands on bumpy roads
i know how it works , but if it could work fast enough to hold car stable it would be something i liked but it dosent ,and heavy 4 wheel trailers can confuse it when they take wieght on bumpy roads ,probably a good comfy ride for many ,but not for those that like sure footed ride,apart from stupidly home off road made defenders its the vehicle you hold steering with 2 hands on bumpy roads

And coils do do something whilst cornering to make the car stabil. If they do what is it? EAS holds the vehicle at a set height regardless of load, coils cannot do that, they just sink until the resistance equals the load. EAS keeps the vehicle level regardless of distribution of that load, coils cannot do that. EAS is adjustable for differing speed/load configurations, coils are not. As for the towing, have you read the recommendations in the manual? Tow with EAS locked in standard mode. That is to stop the system from being tricked as you put it whilst towing. Anyway that is possibly more to do with the balance of the trailer load than the vehicle. A badly balanced four wheel trailer will give problems on any vehicle regardless of springing media.
And coils do do something whilst cornering to make the car stabil. If they do what is it? EAS holds the vehicle at a set height regardless of load, coils cannot do that, they just sink until the resistance equals the load. EAS keeps the vehicle level regardless of distribution of that load, coils cannot do that. EAS is adjustable for differing speed/load configurations, coils are not. As for the towing, have you read the recommendations in the manual? Tow with EAS locked in standard mode. That is to stop the system from being tricked as you put it whilst towing. Anyway that is possibly more to do with the balance of the trailer load than the vehicle. A badly balanced four wheel trailer will give problems on any vehicle regardless of springing media.

I honestly think we might be wasting our breath here buddy. Some people seem to want to believe the bone crushing ride of coils is superior:D

If you not going to use one of the best features of the car why buy it? Why not get a landcruiser or a pajero??

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