
I've not logged on with a problem since 2005, so life has indeed been kind. I buy a P.38 and hey presto, problems ! I recently bought a 2006 TD and it sat a shade low on the nsr, I drove it home and it maybe dropped a shade lower and the osf was certainly high, so I had a diagonal tilt. I swapped the front sensors across to use 'virgin' track on the potentiometers and this slightly improved the situation. Fired by my apparent success, I had a shot at flipping the rear sensors over. The bolts were tight and the captive nuts came loose in the plastic casing. They eventually came away using a touch of brute force. I swapped them across and the system went crazy :(. Swapped them back and no joy, it jiffled about a bit and then sort of gave in. The truck now sits with the nearside down, the off side up and despite the lights cycling, the system does nothing, not even self level. I've tried the basic EAS Kicker Lite and it clears the stored faults, but of course won't reveal the fault. The factory workshop manual isn't of much assistance and I now await the software to talk to the system and recalibrate the sensors. I managed to flatten the battery and the radio code isn't in the document wallet, so any guidance on that matter would be welcome :(. All in all, it's Frank Spencer, The 3 Stooges and Norman Wisdom rolled into one here, but I thought I'd start a thread as it's cathartic to reveal my ineptitude/stupidity to the brotherhood of the green oval ! Have I killed it or have I just upset a sensor. Watch this space !

Pete :)
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I've not logged on with a problem since 2005, so life has indeed been kind. I buy a P.38 and hey presto, problems ! I recently bought a 2006 TD and it sat a shade low on the nsr, I drove it home and it maybe dropped a shade lower and the osf was certainly high, so I had a diagonal tilt. I swapped the front sensors across to use 'virgin' track on the potentiometers and this slightly improved the situation. Fired by my apparent success, I had a shot at flipping the rear sensors over. The bolts were tight and the captive nuts came loose in the plastic casing. They eventually came away using a touch of brute force. I swapped them across and the system went crazy :(. Swapped them back and no joy, it jiffled about a bit and then sort of gave in. The truck now sits with the nearside down, the off side up and despite the lights cycling, the system does nothing, not even self level. I've tried the basic EAS Kicker Lite and it clears the stored faults, but of course won't reveal the fault. The factory workshop manual isn't of much assistance and I now await the software to talk to the system and recalibrate the sensors. I managed to flatten the battery and the radio code isn't in the document wallet, so any guidance on that matter would be welcome :(. All in all, it's Frank Spencer, The 3 Stooges and Norman Wisdom rolled into one here, but I thought I'd start a thread as it's cathartic to reveal my ineptitude/stupidity to the brotherhood of the green oval ! Have I killed it or have I just upset a sensor. Watch this space !

Pete :)
So you only log on with a problem...what about joining the forum and then helping others insteead of only coming here when you have a problem and expecting the diehards to help out when you haven't done anything to help them...!!??

Anyhoot - off soap box now - drop this Q in the Range Rover section, Datatek and Wammers are very clued up on the EAS, among other knowledgable members....

I'll see you there shortly?
What a welcome, nice to be back ! I try to be self contained, didn't realise that it would be taken so personally. The link you posted goes to ebay, can you try again please ?

What a welcome, nice to be back ! I try to be self contained, didn't realise that it would be taken so personally. The link you posted goes to ebay, can you try again please ?

I never linked to the Range Rover section - the site uses adclicks or something and highlights odd words etc for advertising purposes....

Nothing taken personally - sorry if it seemed harsh wasn't menat to be that way just a note that some come on here to get help and then without a bye or leave disappear never to be heard of again and no feedback on if the answers helped at all...!!
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No worries, I got one response to the 2005 question, basically they didn't know, but welcomed me to the forum, I said hello back and that was that. If there had been any form of interactive dialogue, I'd have waded in up to the snorkel ! Didn't ask for much and got a friendly hello, so I sort of figured it was a tiny minority website and not the thing it appears to be in 2012.

When the P.38 arrived with its problem(s), I spotted that the Landy Zone was still up and running, so dredged up another password and logged on to share the experience. As I stated on the RR forum, I try to be self sufficient rather than a 'user'.

I am both impressed and grateful for the wise counsel I have recieved, which stopped my headless chicken tendencies in their tracks. I am feeding back as I go and hopefully what I'm faffing about at will be of use and interest to other members, if only to treat me as an idiot and give me a wide berth !

Pete :)
Hi, were r and r land rover specialists from tockwith, wetherby,

We have a 2001 p38 with EAS that we can just not figure out.

We have installed all new parts and calibrated the EAS yet we still have the problem...

1: start the car let the compressor finish running = all ok

2. send the car to access height and wait for the orange light in the middle of the dash to reach access height = all ok

3. send the car back to normal ride height = back shoots up quick which is fine but front is very slow to come up and then...

once its reached normal ride height at all 4 corners, only the front has this problem

it lowers by about 20mm then the valve block clicks sending the car up and down at the front by about 20mm aswell, it them stops clicking and going up and down and them the compressor kicks in???

it will do this in a continues cycle for ages


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