
New Member
Hi I have a P38 now on coil springs and was wondering what air suspension parts now can be removed from it now with out it throwing error msg's up on the dash.
It seems a waste to have all the extra parts sat on the car when they can be removed and sold to buy some new front grey leather seats:scratching_chin:
I may aswell be the first of many on here to say....get it back on air!
What do you have remaining of the EAS? It's not that expensive for a set of airbags & a compressor re-furb providing the rest is still there.
No use having nice seats to sit on when you feel like your driving a Disco.;)
I may aswell be the first of many on here to say....get it back on air!
What do you have remaining of the EAS? It's not that expensive for a set of airbags & a compressor re-furb providing the rest is still there.
No use having nice seats to sit on when you feel like your driving a Disco.;)
+1, it was never designed to run on coils, the EAS is much better.
If you need to sell the EAS parts to buy seats. You have chosen the wrong car to own. P38s are expensive to maintain. Even good pattern parts are not cheap. Fitting sub standard parts will give you a world of pain. If it is on springs that is an indication to me it was not been maintained very well in it's previous ownerships. Either put it back on air and maintain it properly or get rid of it and buy something easier to look after. You cannot maintain a £50,000 car for Corsa prices.
Also, I seem to remember that there is some MOT regulation change (imminent or proposed) about non-original spec parts, which would mean coils would fail it. I'm sure Wammers will know . . .

Also, I seem to remember that there is some MOT regulation change (imminent or proposed) about non-original spec parts, which would mean coils would fail it. I'm sure Wammers will know . . .

That is what the EU are trying to push through.
Why buy a P38, then put it on air...as mentioned previously - by a non ACE Disco for that...some just want a Champagne car on Orange Juice money....

A Range Rover is the pinnacle of the brand, to own one is to appreciate the heritage and design of the marque....not to adorn the drive way with a 'Name' and then scrimp and ripp the thing to pieces because to own the 'Name' is costing to much....

Sorry Original Poster - not havign a dig at you personally - I am just a dyed-in-the-wool Range Rover fan who hates to see good cars hacked about!
Also, I seem to remember that there is some MOT regulation change (imminent or proposed) about non-original spec parts, which would mean coils would fail it. I'm sure Wammers will know . . .


It certainly applies to some stuff in Spain, Keith will know about France. Lads father in law lives in Spain. He bought a Merc 4x4 here and took it there. He had to remove rear window tints before it would pass the Spanish I.T.V. Also had to go to main dealers to have side steps checked because they were not original fit then get them to add to spec sheet. Something like that. Yes EU are proposing non standard parts will fail MOT. All new rules are supposed to be incorporated by 2014 so we will have to wait and see how retrospective the UK makes them if they can't get around them.
Yes to all the above,I am driving both a p38 and a disco,you cannot compare the 2 for ride quality,when I've been in the disco and then take out the RR it really brings it home just how comfortable the p38 is,enough said!
Cant see the uk completey baning aftermarket parts theres got to be millions of cars on the road that are "altered" in some way
Suspension, wheels, exhausts, chiped engine , tinted windows ect...
They'd be uproar
Cant see the uk completey baning aftermarket parts theres got to be millions of cars on the road that are "altered" in some way
Suspension, wheels, exhausts, chiped engine , tinted windows ect...
They'd be uproar

I did say wait and see how retrospective they make the rules. For instance i am sure after market Cats that do not meet the standard fitted specs, are illegal to fit to cars made after 2004. But not a lot of notice is taken of the rule. Britain does have a massive after market parts and bolt on additions industry. Boy racers maybe be seriously ****ed off if all the EU proposals are introduced.
It certainly applies to some stuff in Spain, Keith will know about France. Lads father in law lives in Spain. He bought a Merc 4x4 here and took it there. He had to remove rear window tints before it would pass the Spanish I.T.V. Also had to go to main dealers to have side steps checked because they were not original fit then get them to add to spec sheet. Something like that. Yes EU are proposing non standard parts will fail MOT. All new rules are supposed to be incorporated by 2014 so we will have to wait and see how retrospective the UK makes them if they can't get around them.
Even replacing the engine can be difficult here if it's not done by a dealer, certainly doing a ZEN and fitting a non standard engine could be very difficult if it's spotted and has not gone through the required buracratic nonsense with the ministry of transport.
Cant see the uk completey baning aftermarket parts theres got to be millions of cars on the road that are "altered" in some way
Suspension, wheels, exhausts, chiped engine , tinted windows ect...
They'd be uproar

There are 15 million smokers in the UK and the government of the time banned smoking in pubs, that is more than the total vote the government received to vote them in. Do you seriously think they give a **** what you, i or any of the population want? The EU rules us now whether you or i a like it or not.
I just love it when a question is asked and the answer is totally Irrelevant! I have the coil conversion and it rides great! And no more problems with the stupidly designed air system $$$!!! Why waste someone's time on this forum to lecture about something that has nothing to do with the question? If you don't answer directly, then best to keep quiet about it. My opinion. Kevin in Minneapolis.
orrenz1917 at g mail.
I just love it when a question is asked and the answer is totally Irrelevant! I have the coil conversion and it rides great! And no more problems with the stupidly designed air system $$$!!! Why waste someone's time on this forum to lecture about something that has nothing to do with the question? If you don't answer directly, then best to keep quiet about it. My opinion. Kevin in Minneapolis.
orrenz1917 at g mail.

About as relevant as reopening three year old thread. Unless you were just getting your Gmail address out there. :D

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