The only thing that needs to be 'reset' when fitting a new HeVAC ECU is the blend motors, like Irish said, the ECU needs to learn the range which the flaps can operate through. You don't need to activate anything else with the computer.

Do you know whether your vehicle has had the A/C compressor link harness installed - you would see a relay filling the RL10 position in the fuse box as well as a 10 amp fuse in the F40 position in the fuse box.

You say you have power at the dual pressure switch (the one with the bigger plug going to it). What wire do you have voltage on at that plug, the black and yellow one??

-Wills :)
What do you mean by "Dual switch" ???

I think he has been reading the ETM, the dual pressure switch is actually what some people also refer to as the trinary pressure switch, infact in the tech bulletins its referred to as that but in the ETM is called the dual pressure switch, im hoping he has checked the one with the more wires going to it.

-Wills :)
Yer guys i checked the that switch and it is the black and yellow one. I just had a look in the fuse box RL 10 is fitted But the 10 amp fuse in F40 was not there, Wills you are the BEST I fired it up and it is working. Now guys you may be thinking, why did he not check that to begin with, well I brought a new fuse box that came with all the fuse's in so I didnt check it. Oh well you live and learn. Wills and Irishrover many many thanks for your help.
I do love Range Rovers.

Now the next problem is the miss fire that happens through the rev range so ill put up a new thread.

Ah cool, glad you got it sorted, now just make sure the dust cover is fitted to the compressor - spotted this while finding the fuse info out about the link harness. Apparently on the Gulf spec P38 there should be a dust cover on the front of the compressor to stop sand/dust ingress which will kill the compressor.

-Wills :)
Glad you got sorted. That's what the forums all about, and winding others up!!!
Think of me when you have your next pint of Guinness!!!!

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