Just put another knackered engine in, why waste a good one on the sort of tosser that drives around with no oil in their sump? :behindsofa:
mornin' all.

possibly sourced a bmw E39 525 M51 engine, reasonably local and "said" to be in good running order, within budget. (cheap as pos!)

so the question is, whats involved with the injector pump electronics?
could swap for the original pump, but that involves dicking around with the pump and cam timing, plus stripping it down far enough to do this.
price of gaskets, time to do, risk of cocking the timing up.


swap the top of the pump for the original electronics and leave the timing intact on donor engine. heard stories this potentially affects the fuel delivery and can be a twot to get the idle right?
need to do more research for this one.

ideally a p38 dse would be best, but have to go on whats available.

input appreciated!

cheers all!

Just swap the pump top, there are threads that cover doing it.
Just swap the pump top, there are threads that cover doing it.
cheers, read a good few of them and its still an open option.

discussing complete motors at mo with a view to swapping engines and selling off / scrapping the rest. (bout 8 on the bay, watching the prices)

maybe some p38 bits coming up :rolleyes:
ok, update.
picked a second hand engine up from emmots of colne last saturday, which was an epic in its self.....
road blocked between glusburn and colne with drifts and wagons, 3 coppers in a new disco tryin to drag them out with a ratchet strap......
loaned the tow ropes and assisted, got the road clear and carried on!
engine fitted, oiled up, and finally tested yesterday morning. sounded sweet but when the clutch was tried it was solid.
removed slave, tried clutch arm with a lump of scaff tube, (had done this first after lining it all up to make sure it was working), pulled arm, heard bearing pull out of clutch plate. ####.
gearbox now on floor, new clutch collected last night, refit today. hopefully.
off on the school run, be back later......
back together, runs and drives good.
reckon i sprained the clutch springs ragging the engine out first time round unaware it uses a pull clutch.
should have read manual before starting.......
back together, runs and drives good.
reckon i sprained the clutch springs ragging the engine out first time round unaware it uses a pull clutch.
should have read manual before starting.......

No idea what you are talking about :p:D

But good news that its going again. You going to that Skipton thing tomorrow

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