
Well-Known Member
ok, so its not what i usually play with, but got involved as its a mates motor.

the questions are at the bottom, i'll give the history or at least what i know of it.

95 p38 rangerover with bmw 6 cylinder m51 diesel engine.
mate was going to work and oil light flashes on while queing downhill in traffic. stops, calls AA, they top up his oil. send him on his way with no issues for the 10 miles to work. (it was low apparently)

coming home from work oil light comes on again, loss of power and knocking noise. calls AA again, oil level ok this time so gets flatbed recovery to his usual garage who tell him the engines knackered and its going to cost 2 grand in labour just to change the engine.(plus finding another engine which they wont guarantee)

mate rings me for advise.
tell him i've no experience of bmw engines, but will shift it from the garage to my place (decent size diy workshop) while he decides what to do.
goes to collect it and the battery's flat (3.2v, yes i checked it!)
hand winched onto trailer, brought it back disconnected battery and stuck it on charge. (left keys in ignition........)
came back next day, reconnected battery, central locking promptly activates, keys still in ignition......FECK.........
spare key collected, keys and immobileser recovered, dash display sez "immobilesed enter code".
got EKA code, no joy, got my AA guy out, no joy, rang farnell bradford.
eka confirmed (eventually), "bring it in, we'll look at it on car park and if we can sort it no charge"
eka sorted, can start with some diagnostics.

run motor back at workshop and had intended video'ing it, really wish i had now.
after glowplug light had gone out, wound it over for 10 seconds or so, it fired and ticked over.

there was a distinctive rythmic knock, akin to an engine starting on ether. clouds of white smoke from exhuast with a partially burnt diesel smell.

on lifting the revs it sounded like the big ends want to escape. removed it from the trailer and trying to turn it round to get it in the shop, it wouldnt pull on tickover (kept stalling but started again ok) and had to use just enough revs to move it without making it sound like it wanted to self destruct. got it on the ramps and started discussing it along with potential options.
decided to investigate with minimal cost-
(no excessive vapour from oil filler, header tank needed nearly half a gallon of water to brim it, no visible signs of hgf bubbling after intitial air removed)
considered head or piston damage, removed rocker cover and left it at that for the night. (battery left on charge, keys out of motor!)

obtained rave for p38.
scoured the net for symptoms, and it appears if the engines turned backwards the cam chain can break the tensioner/jump a tooth.
philosophy here, as the knocking could be interpreted as diesel knock, and could cause the smoke.
so decide to check timing. removed all the ancillaries, sump, damper pulley, etc (fook me, how many radiators!) and get down to timing chest. (head not removed)

so to the questions.....
the crank sprocket to pump sprocket should have bright links to the timing marks. this aint got any. there are 10 clear links between (12 including dots) which appears correct to rave. can this be cofirmed?

the cam needs lrt-12-112 to set its postion. is there any way of checking the cam timing without this?
(have seen a link from another site where wammers details something with a dti, but this was before i stripped it and i cant find it now...)

is there a tolerance for chain stretch, and how is it measured?

is the injector pump timeable other then by the number of links between dots, and is it adjustable?

tomorrows job will be knocking up lrt-12-108 (flywheel timing pin) so a more accurate position can be set and possibly lrt-12-115 (tensioner retractor) and a pair of lrt-12-114 (tensioner pins)
(bloody 'ell, sound like dr evil ere' :p)

suspect the head may come off at point so may well need a timing tool anyway.....

feel free to offer advise, comment or generally take the ****.

what i really forgot to ask in first post, was, does anyone have a camshaft locking tool within a reasonable travelling distance thats borrowable for a few beer tokens?
Oh dear, I see what you meant about sick Range Rover :eek:

Let me know if you need anything collecting, although I'm not sure a new engine would fit in my Landy :D
had a neighbour who had same sort of symptoms, turned out to be a really bad injector.
tried changing the 1 for a simular BMW one but it needed the electrickery to comply,
so I suggested he leave the fubarred one outside the engine but still connected to loom?

dont know if it worked or not, but he drove it later, enough to get rid of..
ok, so quick update.
found the source of the knocking. during sorting a flywheel timing tool i needed some lube, stuck finger up oil strainer and discovered its full of what looks like shim. thought i'd whip off the plate under the crank and have a quick looksee at the big ends and mains.

i'll let the pics do the talking, and a short youtube clip.

owner has a couple of decisions to make.....:(


Video0012 - YouTube



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Move your post to the Range rovers section or PM Wammers for timing advice.
considered rangey section, but got so lost and ****ed off with searching forums i just stuck it in general.
did get redirected quite a few times to links with you and wammers mentioned, would save pm's for when really stuck!
cheers anyway DT, but might just have found the issue.....
That's what happens if you run without enough oil. Could sell you a spare engine but you are a bit far away.
reet, prognosis after chat with mate-

remove rest of engine, and try and source another runner.
understand theres a couple of beemer engines that fit and possibly an omega?

anyone know how much of an arse it is to get these in, and what, if owt needs converting/transposing from the original engine?
have read bits about the electronic lump on the fip needs swapping, and it aint overly straight forward.

or does anyone have an engine kicking around they want to sell?
(even considered complete motor if available, mot failure, write off etc)

cheers for all the replies so far!
reet, prognosis after chat with mate-

remove rest of engine, and try and source another runner.
understand theres a couple of beemer engines that fit and possibly an omega?

anyone know how much of an arse it is to get these in, and what, if owt needs converting/transposing from the original engine?
have read bits about the electronic lump on the fip needs swapping, and it aint overly straight forward.

or does anyone have an engine kicking around they want to sell?
(even considered complete motor if available, mot failure, write off etc)

cheers for all the replies so far!

Had a look on ebay for you. There is one in Birmingham ish :eek: which is still in vehicle so you can see it working £550 buy it now I think
What I mean is what condition is it in?
was kinda treating this as per your butler post :p

in answer to your question, the fist thing i said to mate was get an oil pressure test on it.
doing so proved a bit difficult.
the pressure guage i have didnt fit the oil pressure switch thread, and i dont have an adaptor for it.
ended up at an engine breakers looking for an old switch i could remove the guts from and weld a 1/4 bsp couplig on so my adaptors would fit.
got about 15 switches and non fit. appears the bmw thread is an R18, whatever one of them is. bit smaller then 1/4 bsp, same thread pitch as m10, bit smaller than m12.

temporarily gave up on measuring pressure on assumption that the oil pressure light went out and oil was getting to the rocker box top.
was going to revisit after obtaining adaptor.

as it happens, probably wont need to go there now, tho it would be nice to check pressure on a donor engine.
engine's out, on the hunt for another.

worrapain in the arse that is to do.....
wouldnt fancy changing the glowplugs in one....
mornin' all.

possibly sourced a bmw E39 525 M51 engine, reasonably local and "said" to be in good running order, within budget. (cheap as pos!)

so the question is, whats involved with the injector pump electronics?
could swap for the original pump, but that involves dicking around with the pump and cam timing, plus stripping it down far enough to do this.
price of gaskets, time to do, risk of cocking the timing up.


swap the top of the pump for the original electronics and leave the timing intact on donor engine. heard stories this potentially affects the fuel delivery and can be a twot to get the idle right?
need to do more research for this one.

ideally a p38 dse would be best, but have to go on whats available.

input appreciated!

cheers all!

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