Dorset Ranger

Active Member
Hi guys,

My 1999 4.6 v8 (Thor) starts but almost immediately dies. here are some details, please help if you can!

1. The amount of time it stays alive for can vary from one to ten seconds.

2. The engine seems to run lumpy as I’m experiencing a lot of shake particularly as it dies.

3. The revs fluctuate and it runs below normal idle speed.

4. The battery is fully charged.

5. It has fuel!

6. Trying to increase revs once it fires seems to impound the problem.
Unplug the MAF sensor then start. If it runs and does not cut out MAF sensor is duff.
Actually it’s coming from the round cylinder that has the two hoses connecting to either side of the TBU (green BOSCH sticker on it)

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