Hi folks
I just picked myself up a 2000 4.0 v8 P38 Vogue (ex police)
I'm having some lpg issues.
2 tanks in the boot.
Starts and runs great on petrol.. However as soon as I push the LPG start button and give it some revs to allow the switchover from petrol to lpg the whole engine dies, power steering etc..
It's an Auto, so I need to switch back to park and de activate the LPG switch and it starts up fine in petrol mode. And if I switch back to lpg, it just dies again.
Tried whilst driving (which wasn't too fun on my first 10 mins drive after buying it) and tried many times at stationary.
I was told the LPG works 99% of the time however so far it's worked 0%of the time..
Any tips what could be the issue, whether simple or complex all appreciated.
I also run an x5 e53 4.4 with lpg so have a bit of background experience with them.
Could a loose battery connection or some other loose connection mean the LPG isn't pumping but the switch is getting power. Noticed today the battery connector was both fairly loose on the terminals but not tightened them down yet. It did click when I tried ignition a couple of times due to the loose battery then all electrics went dead until I re positioned the battery connector a bit better. Not sure what other ideas might be worth trying.

Cheers in advance
Hi there and welcome.
It seems that someone has told you porkies about the lpg system....
You could return it to them and ask for a solution to be found or take it to spécialist, get a report and go back to the seller and tell them why it's not working full stop and then ask for a solution. Welcome :)
Sort those battery terminals out. Renew or fit a copper shim if they won’t tighten down. Could cause you and your wallet considerable pain
Could be all sorts of things. Get the battery sorted first though
Any gas in the tank.. are the solenoids opening.. have you checked fuses?
It might just need a service, lpg leaves a nasty black residue that can build up. Nasty stuff. Filters might need replacing etc
Welcome and good luck:)

Dont get rid of the LPG. But if you have just got it, then don't even bother take it back and get them to sort it, or some money back start at a grand off and see what they say. (settle for a bit less;))

It should be easy to fix with a bit of prodding.

If you want to check it. first check would be solenoid at tank to make sure it opens to let the gas flow, (its got gas in hasnt it ;)). then its on to the under bonnet stuff. Which can vary depending on system:).

Depends on the LPG system that was fitted, but most can be diagnosed/repaired reset by a competent LPG installer that deals in that system.
What LPG system is it?
Last one I had that went tit$-up needed a new control board (£200) and it was sorted.
Here's a few photos of the LPG system I'm running.
The battery contacts are irrelevant but as they're fully tightened and still a bit loose I'll buy some shims or make some DIY ones.
Cleaned the MAF tonight and tightened down some hose clamps that were a bit loose.
The wiring is a bit shoddy IMO for the solenoid in engine bay and lpg wiring with the wires just bent round the connectors and electrical taped over so will most likely solder then down.
Gave it all a once over but not carried out any tests yet. Was just familiarising myself with what's where.
Incase anyone has the same lpg system I've added the photos, to see what's best to start with. Appreciate the assistance.
Can easily put it in for a service but got a 300 mile journey on Monday I'd rather run it on lpg for. It's currently got about 30 or 40 quids worth of lpg in it so it's definetly not an empty tank


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