Dimebag 666

New Member
Hi all,

Whilst out driving earlier the computer logged "gearbox fault", then the radio/rev&speedo counters all switched off, motor was still running & driving. This happened a couple of times in the same sequence as above & all manor of faults flashed up, ABS<TC<SRS<EAS<AIRBAG

Got home and now i have a dead batt, just solonoid clicks when key turned. Could the batt just die that quickly without any symptons prior? Could it maybe be a faulty alt or should i be really concerned and start looking at the Becm?

Can any1 help? Thanks :confused:
The 1st thing I'd do is top up the battery with distilled water, charge it up, then try from there. I had a similar problem when the weather was cold. Distilled water sorted it no problem - and a darn sight cheaper than any other fix I can think of....
Along with your battery it might be an idea to have a look at your under-bonnet fuse box. Whilst what you've described is normally a dodgy battery just check the fuse box for signs or smells of burning, especially around the relays.

Then stick your location on your details on here. If you run into real problems you might find a helpful member locally, but if you don't tell us where you are - you'll never know.
Thanks for all the help guys..... charged battery over night turned the key and all seems fine....

Took it for a drive and no issues, got home turned off and on agian! Could it just be another mysterious case of P38 battery drain??? Weird.... thanks again.

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