New sensor so I assume it must be a with what it is reading, if there is no leak in the hoses, what else could be causing the fault. I checked the air filter housing for any openings and there are none.
Really don't have any idea where the issue could lie. My thinking was issue with the wiring harness.
Thats what I've been looking at tiny going to give it a go tomorrow, just really surprised that no one else has had this issue as it seems common on the astras.
From all the reading up I've done on the astra issue it seems logical and shouldnt be too much of a problem to put a new earth to the connector, do you think it might help?
Ok just tested the connector and have a good ground on pin 3, but no 12v or 5v :(:(:(. I have checked the fuse and is fine, so are the physical connections. This seems to be what the issue is, no power to the bloody sensor. Is it time to see an auto electrician?? Or are there any other avenues I can go down
You can trace the wire back to source to see if it's a broken wire that's causing the missing voltage
Already done that and unfortunately I can't find any break and I can't test the continuity because don't know what pin ecu side, RAVE and haynes really not much help electrically. Can't find anything online to confirm even the MAF pins, so I'm just about to take the other car apart to at least confirm which pins in MAF should be 5 and 12v.
Almost tempted to run a new live feed from the fuse to the MAF, but I hate bodges like that so if I can't find the fault will be going to the electrickery guys later.
Just tested the other car and the MAF is:
Pin 1 - 5v
Pin 2 - 12v
Pin 3 - Earth
Pin 4 - 5v IAT
Pin 5 - IAT Earth
swapped my synergy onto the working car, I still haven't seen what it can do lol. Having to wait for a delivery but will go out after that to enjoy the speed. Anyhow came in to have a drink and warm up then I'm going to open up the ECU, fingers crossed just a loose connection otherwise I'm off to see the wizard
Well checked the ECU connections out and all looks good, seems as if this one is beyond my abilities :(. I've tried to chase the harness but to look for breaks but lost it under air filter housing. I'll post an update once I've found the issue
IAT sensor, had this code come when I changed the rail sensor which confused me until I discovered that I forgot to plug it back in.
Ok yesterday phoned auto electricians first one says bring it down we charge £48 for diagnosis, so I says ok how much is your labour rate for repair. We don't have an hourly rate, we charge labour and materials after job, wtf thanks but no thanks. Second one I phone says bring it down and leave it with us for a few days sounds like ecu so we'll send it off for test, didn't even bother asking how much again wtf. So anyway today went about continuity testing from ecu to MAF, nothing so yes must be a break somewhere. Just to confirm checked from fuse box to MAF what a pain that was to remove until I realised remove the earth lol again nothing. Checked all the harness couldn't find a break so thought must be faulty connector and decided to cut it off as would be splicing anyways, suddenly wires coming out some idiot had done a splice using electrical tape. Found the break and will be repairing tomorrow. Thanks everyone for your input.


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Anyone know how to get wires out of this connector??? It's the MAF sensor connector


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Not yet, got beaten by the rain yesterday. I have connected all the wires now and managed to put everything back together just before the rain began to fall, started her up and the p0110 fault code is gone ;), but p0100 is still there :mad: as soon as I have a clear sky I will continuity test back to the ECM. Will update once I get to the bottom of this one lol, hopefully it's just a single bad connection where I joined them yesterday. I know its not the MAF as I swapped it for the working one.

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