So back in October my upstream oxygen sensors failed and I had a engine light come on. I changed them, all was good.

I have now had the engine light come on again... saying both the upstream and downstream sensors are broken.

My questions are - should they have broken this quickly and what can cause they failure?

Thanks :)
Ive heard of cheap ones failing pdq, even had it myself with a vw bora, bloody thing ate lambda sensors even with a new cat, in the end it just got ignored along with loads of other stuff, i never asked where they got their mot done but do know it cost twice the normal price!
Coolant will destroy O2 sensors. Only reason coolant would be in exhaust though it if head gasket has failed.

Funny you should say that, I recently ended up having the head gasket replaced only a month or so ago. I wonder whether they have given up because I was using it whilst the gasket was dodgy! Have got it booked into the local garage as I don't particularly want to lie trying to get the O2 sensors off, knowing how bad they were last time! Will keep you posted should anyone have the same problem.

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