
Hi All - Newbie to the forum, but not to the world of the Green Oval!!

Motor Vehicle Engineer and Paramedic - driving a Disco 300TDi for a while now, but others come and go..!

Also volunteer for a local Search and Rescue Team - our fleet has 300TDIs, Pumas and a very special 110" V8 Ambulance!

Happy to help where i can - have known Si (Sirus) for a looooonnnngg time!
Hi All - Newbie to the forum, but not to the world of the Green Oval!!

- have known Si (Sirus) for a looooonnnngg time!

Hi welcome to the Mad House. Don't worry about knowing Sirus, we all have our crosses to bear!:D Just be careful about admitting it to people. Most of his acquaintances appear on the Salvation Army's Missing Persons list after a couple of years, or, if they're lucky get sectioned by 110 Woman or Storm to keep them out of harm's way.:):)

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