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hi, I need some help with overheating on the Puma. (from South Africa) Replace head and radiator alredy drove 700km then star overheating again?
Why does an engine overheat? check the obvious mate, breaks rubbing? stuff like that, before you blame the engine, yet to have any probs with mine, tho i've only done about 1000 miles!
The brakes? If the brakes were jammed on enough to cause overheating in the engine, he would have trouble getting the thing moving and would have noticed something was not quite right!

Water pump working? Is the thermostat opening?
Help. Mine is a 2011 with 50kk on the clock. As I was going up the mountains of lesotho last week it just cut out and temp gauge jumped to maximum and dropped within a minute or two. The I could drive again. I was told the intercooler is not big enough. What do u guys think. I don't like this.
Hi , had a 58 plate in today head cracked , sniff test came up positive straight away , this is second engine landrover has fitted to this vehicle, 110 king cab . Talking to other people it seems landrover has had problems with this engine , even down to replacing engines and heads on vehicles OUT of warranty !
Help. Mine is a 2011 with 50kk on the clock. As I was going up the mountains of lesotho last week it just cut out and temp gauge jumped to maximum and dropped within a minute or two. The I could drive again. I was told the intercooler is not big enough. What do u guys think. I don't like this.
My 2010 double cab 60k, experienced similar issues with overheating and the temp guage going up then down within 30 seconds, dealer changed everything and eventually got the head checked, test was good no damage to head gasket but landrover told the dealer to replace the head anyway and so far 2500 miles later it is still going ok.

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