so to cut a long story short, I left my car running outside for around 30 mins this afternoon. When I managed to get back outside it was overheating so turned the engine off, it started steaming and it cooled down.

Any reason why this would happen, or is leaving it running for 30 mins idling going to cause that on a V8?

No history of overheating before and I've been in traffic jams for 15/20 mins before and it's never been budged from from halfway.

Thanks in advance
Maybe the viscous fan coupling is functioning. Low in coolent in the system, anyway a V8 thats overheated isn't good, they don't like it.
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Maybe the viscous fan coupling is functioning. Low in coolent in the system, anyway a V8 thats overheated isn't good, they don't like it.

It's unusual as it has never done it before and nothing has changed, am I being too optimistic hoping it was just a one off?! I'll slowly drive it down the road tomorrow with everything crossed.
Shouldn't happen if all is working OK in the cooling system, most likely culprit is air in the radiator causing the water pump to cavitate.

Check that the air bleed pipe from the radiator across to the header tank is clear and the needle in the tank is clear.

And check the rad as that may be blocked in places.
Don't think I could afford to leave mine running for 30 mins.

You also now need to keep your eye on the water consumption and oil colour as they really don't like being hot.
Also to add, your vehicles Air con condenser fan should have cut in as it designed to in a over-heat condition, seeing steam doesn't always mean the engine is overheating but only there is a split coolent hose.

There shouldn't be any issues with the V8 engine if the cooling system 100%.
I have frequently on a hot summers day got stuck in a stop start traffic jam for over half an hour, the dash temp gauge doesn't move any higher, but there's a lot of heat under the bonnet with ac being on and the additional heat transfer from the auto box, I can then occasionally can hear my viscous fan locking-up.
So not bad for a 19+ year old disco with the only engine/cooling issue of a failed water pump bearing.
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Thanks for the comments - after using the car over the last few days it hasn't happened again, so touch wood it was just a 'blip'. Keeping everything crossed in any case!!!
Then now is the time to check the cooling system is 100%. As there, always a reason for any vehicle overheating, ok if you believe in a "blip" but I don't. :cool:

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