Note to this mornings drive to the station (15km) didn’t warm up (gauge to middle) for the first 4km, heater was luke warm (set at 24) until the last km or so.
No visible loss of coolant (tank level stable)
Top hose hard but not solid and not boiling hot, expansion tank also warm but not hot.
Outside temp up here is currently 3-4c.
Other notes:
I put the waste gate actuator back to its original longer position from the whole 13th thread escapade and my disco prefers it, drives smoother.
Re head bolts, I think I just got it wrong and although I might not be doing the proper thing by Re torquing them I certainly have noticed a difference in power, there is a fairly steep incline a few hundred meters into my morning journey and it’s on a bend. Before I struggled to get up to 40kmh and the revs above 2000, now it pulls to 60 and revs at 2900 easily.
I didn’t have the proper tool to set the head bolts when I did the head, I put a dot on the bolts and used a school protractor to guess it.
Can that really make a difference?

I might be wrong but IMO there must be a reason why the vehicle's builder wrote this in the WSM:

HG bolts sequence.jpg
I might be wrong but IMO there must be a reason why the vehicle's builder wrote this in the WSM:

View attachment 274433
is the moral of the tale here get proper tools? a white dot with tipex and 50p protractor is not the solution right?
Are there good bolts and bad copies? i'm kind of starting to think that whilst cheaper parts might work on the Series that your better off using as good a quality as you can on a vehicle like this.


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