So my land rover started overheating a while ago, I replaced the radiator, thermostat, water pump and hoses.. Yet it still overheated. I can run it without the thermostat in and it does not over heat. I just had the head gasket changed there and hoped that would solve it but no. It is still overheating, I am only 17 and now have no money to try anything else unless I am certain it will fix it! Any ideas?
First off, stop changing stuff at random! <grin> Shotgun fixing is expensive, soul-destroying and doesn't actually achieve much.

Are you sure the new thermostat's working properly? When you start it from cold, does the rad stay cold then, once the temp gauge gets towards normal, the top hose warms up and the rad gets warm then hot, all over, evenly? Have you suspended the 'stat in a pan of water on the cooker and made sure it opens fully?

What makes you say it's "overheating"?
Spend a tenner on eBay on an IR thermometer, and see what temp you're actually getting on the rad.

If you turn the heater and blower on full, do you get warm air into the interior?
+1 what Adrian said.

You need to determine of you are actually overheating or if it's a gauge issue.

Is this a sudden change, or is this something that's happeing with a new-to-you car?

Check the obvious things as well - water pump belt tight enough, water actually circulating in the system, fan on the right way round (don't laugh - seen it) fan shroud in place...lots of things to check and evaluate.

Learn to evaluate the problem THEN change parts. Shotgunning problems gets pricy and frustrating...BTDT.

Stuart, give uus a little more background on what's going on and when you're seeing the issue.

If it didn't overheat with the stat removed, then the stat is probably faulty - plenty of faulty ones for sale out there. It's also possible to fit them upside down. It is still worth checking the temp gauge though. There are cheap infra red thermometers about, which will give you a good picture of engine and water temps without taking anything apart.

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