
New Member
Hi there!

I've got a 1981 Series 3 Diesel which I've been slowly restoring. It came fitted with a Fairey overdrive, but thus far I've not used it on test drives because the lever is incredibly stiff. This is the same whether driving or in the garage. I've made sure to follow the operating instructions for the overdrive and don't think I'm getting anything wrong there.

The OD is usually out, and I can move it slightly towards neutral and back again but that's it, on the most recent attempt the OD lever snapped in half. This was after I changed the oil in the overdrive (no bits or other visible problems with the old oil).

I have a spare OD lever which I'm currently fitting but I'd value any advice on the possible causes of the high resistance to moving the selector, and how best to remedy it. It could just be that everything needs a generous dousing in gear oil, but I'd value input before snapping a second lever in half.

What's the lever pivot point like? These can be like hand brake pivots, and seize in time.

Disassemble, clean, add a grease nipple and rebuild.
What's the lever pivot point like? These can be like hand brake pivots, and seize in time.

Disassemble, clean, add a grease nipple and rebuild.
This was going to be my first suggestion as well, Especially while you already have the handle off strip down the rest of the linkage and ensure it is moving smoothly and freely. that way if there is still the high resistance you know it must be something internal rather than external.
What's the lever pivot point like? These can be like hand brake pivots, and seize in time.

Disassemble, clean, add a grease nipple and rebuild.
Hi there,

Thanks for your response. The pivot point is one of these, (image) which I believe is like the original ones.

You might be onto something about it seizing. Getting it off the linkage was a real pain, and even out of the car it doesn't want to spin at all. I have a brand new replacement pivot, which may make it easier!

The clevis pin holding the pivot on crumbled to dust when I removed it, so I'm just waiting for a new one to arrive, when it does though I'll reassemble the whole linkage and see how I get on.

Thanks again for your help!


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