
New Member
Many years ago I bought an overdrive on eBay that was supposedly noisy. I stripped it down and found that the original laygear had a broken tooth. I sourced a replacement laygear (also many years ago) on eBay. This has sat in my garage until now and I have just got round to putting it back together.

However, the replacement laygear whilst visibly identical is subtly different. I have now discovered that the internal diameter of the replacement laygear is
about 1mm smaller. Whilst it has the same number of teeth and the profile of the gears are the same, the depth of the end gears are also a couple of mm different.

I am a little confused as to why these would be different. Has the design changed over the years or could it be that I have a laygear out of a Range Rover overdrive (not having seen one of these) ?

Any ideas appreciated.
I think I have finally solved the mystery. The replacement laygear has 'Ribas' stamped on it and looking on the web, this seems to be an "improved" version of the Fairey overdrive used by Santana so I am now in the market for another replacement laygear.

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