
New Member
Hello, I have a series 2a 2.25 petrol and i've removed the carburetor then put it back on again and ever since its been over-revving then dying down again, "hunting" in think? I have to admit i did try mixing in with the petrol some house heating oil (parafin) to try and save on the fuel (offroad use only) , done at about 1:3 parafin to petrol. This may have been a stupid idea but i was told it shouldnt make any differance. anyone any ideas?:confused: Thanks
i'd go with the stupid idea theory, heating oil just don't evaporate as easily as petrol so wont work. what **** told you to do it? why did y'awl take yer carbatooter off?
Well, I took the carb off as i was given a twin webber, tried it and was over-revving so thought it was the carb, and put other SU back on. But it still over revs which prob means its not the carb :rolleyes:. But Heating oil being less combustable than petrol why would it over-rev? wouldnt it just cough lots? And the **** who told me to was a neighbouring farmer:eek:
Parafin has a lower flash point than petrol so you have efectivly reduced the octane rating of your fuel. Parafin is also thicker and less likely to enter the engine in a uniform manner. Given that the fault is there with both carbs the first thing I would do is ditch the fuel and fill her up with good stuff. It seems pretty pointless to try and fault find when you have effectivly introduced a fault yourself (albeit well intentioned).
Right, well i will drain the tank etc.. and if it works i will fell even dumber than i do now, but at least i'll have a working landy again! :D maybe...

Cheers for the help
Of course adding paraffin to diesel is probably fine (if illegal), diesels will run on old chip fat even, provided you filter the bits out and don't mind smelling like a chip shop- I think this could be the cause of your farmer friend's "bright idea".
Well, i drained the tank and surprisingly, it works fine. except, the revs take along time to die down? it also coughs lots when you accelerate then suddenly revs really high? ive ran it for a fair while so it should have gotten all the parafin out of the fuel. any ideas?
did it run ok before you started ****in about with it?
have you got a good seal around the base of the carbatooter? (not drawing air in)
it could be that yer parafin has somehow clogged up yer carbatooter.
or maybe yer plugs are fouled up
It did run fine. the reason i was ****in round the the carb was because the thread that joins the accelerator linkage to the butterfly pin had worn off. so i cut it off, drilled it out, tapped it then put a new threaded bar in etc... that all works fine now. The carb gasket did break, but i glues it back together and put some gasket sealant round it, dunno wether that'l work.
git yerrself a paint brush and some oil. brush oil round joint ( no! not that joint ....the one between carbatooter and manifold) if its leakin yule see the oil git sucked in. you can do it with water but ah reckon oil is easier to see.
Have you cleaned the sedimenter (spelling?) out? It's probably not the cause of your current symptoms but better safe than sorry.
Hello, yer ive cleaned that out and it still seems a bit odd. havent tried the oil yet but have orderd new gasket, hope that does the trick. Cheers for the help

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