
The 'catalyst' for my venture into P38 'ownership' was due to a very tidy P38 diesel and I would now be the proud owner if my bid had got through - such is the price paid for 'rural' broadband!

It was, (what I considered to be), reasonably priced considering its excellent condition but, like yours, it had a history of overheating and multiple visits to a 'garage' who had, allegedly, checked all the usual culprits, (changed head gasket, water pump, thermostat and radiator, etc).

I am not sure about the details but I believe the garage had given up on it and the owner just wanted to 'cut his losses', (but no idea what arrangements were made as, presumably, the owner had paid for the 'repairs'), hence the reason for it appearing on a well known auction site.

Having undertaken a great deal of research, (including this excellent site - which has some very knowledgeable members who deserve a mention), I was prepared to take a gamble and my first areas of suspicion would have been the fan and the radiator baffles, (hoping that there would have been a lack of them - wishful thinking)!

Unfortunately, (or fortunately - I will never know), I never started that particular journey as I now have a petrol P38, (that appears to have none of the usual issues), but has a few 'cosmetic' issues that I am currently working my way through!

Apologies for not being able to offer anything more constructive suggestions on this occasion - other than to stick at it as there does appear to be a few similar stories about 'dealers' not being able to resolve a multitude of issues.

I can only assume that it is either due to incompetence, inexperience, or simply the fact that 'time is money' and they are not prepared to delve too deeply - which is always good news for the 'adventurous' enthusiast, (or a naive fool such as myself), of course!

Stick at it and you will sort it - and then revel in the glory!
Afternoon Guys,
Thank you all for the swift response, am almost at my wits end. The car originally went into the garage back in October, due to reasons out of my hands they didn't start work on it for some weeks later but gave them benefit of the doubt. When they did start and diagnosed a head gasket failure, they contacted me to tell me that the head had gone to the engineering shop and had 15thou taken off. The head was apparently then left pressurised over night and no pressure had been lost. After reading your responses I am now a tad concerned about my thinner cylinder head. The rad they replaced mine for was faulty and was told the car would be back on the 6th once another new rad was delivered, however, they called to say that even with the new rad, the car drove ok around town but once taken on the open road and given some beans or driving up a decent hill, the temp needle moves into the red!

Thanks again
The guy at the garage did mention about the baffles in the rad and they're importance and that his conclusion that the fault was down to a hair line crack in the bottom end was what he had read on a forum.....although he didn't mention which forum!

The guy at the garage did mention about the baffles in the rad and they're importance and that his conclusion that the fault was down to a hair line crack in the bottom end was what he had read on a forum.....although he didn't mention which forum!


The garage has been reading on forums how to fix your car and what mite be wrong with it, run a mile
Not sure if the garage have checked for baffles in the rad or tested the fan, I guess he's assumed that being a new rad that it would automatically have the baffles fitted and it added £150 to the bill so doesn't seem to be a cheap alternative? Will ask tomorrow if the rad definitely has baffles and to check the fan operation. I think the only reason the garage turned to the Internet is that they were running out of ideas as to what is causing the problem, giving what they've replaced??
Not sure if the garage have checked for baffles in the rad or tested the fan, I guess he's assumed that being a new rad that it would automatically have the baffles fitted and it added £150 to the bill so doesn't seem to be a cheap alternative? Will ask tomorrow if the rad definitely has baffles and to check the fan operation. I think the only reason the garage turned to the Internet is that they were running out of ideas as to what is causing the problem, giving what they've replaced??

Garages charging £150.00 for a £70.00 rad is not unknown. Run the engine and when up to temp feel the rad. If it's cooler at the bottom and hot across the top there is no baffle.
Garages charging £150.00 for a £70.00 rad is not unknown. Run the engine and when up to temp feel the rad. If it's cooler at the bottom and hot across the top there is no baffle.
And while your at it and it's up to temperature try stopping the fan with a rolled up newspaper(The Sun is good for this as it's all it's fit for). If you can stop it it's fecked.

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