You won't want to hear this but a cracked head can cause pressurization and resultant water loss?

You're right... i don't :(

Any obvious way to check (other than looking for a physical crack or water escaping from anywhere on the head)

Guess I'm back to the Spitfire again for a week or two then
Just take it to any decent local garage and ask them to do a sniff test. This is a device with a chemical that changes colour if it detects any combustion gases in the coolant and is usually cheap to have done. My friendly local usually does not charge for the test.
I'd bet the head has warped with the overheat so if you have to do the head gasket have the head checked/skimmed.

Good Luck.
Got a plan in place to swap the engine at the weekend now, decided its the quicker, easier and cheaper option, I'll get a sniff test done on Wednesday if i can find a suitable garage, but, new engine is probably the best route forward.
A cracked head leaking between cylinder and water gallery can show as bubbles in the header tank when the cap is off, or a constant leaking sound of air from the filler cap but it won't always show up that way.
The replacement engine he's getting is cheaper than getting someone to change the head gasket for him. :D
Totally agree James and surely it's worth taking the head for a look see before swapping the motor?

Sniff test might not work with a diesel.
Hi bump, to accurately test a heads flatness needs expensive equipment eg mill and dial gauge or surface plate etc

A straight edge and feeler gauges can be used to check it less accurately, also maybe just see how flat it fits on the block.

But I'd suggest you look at the gasket first and go from there, depending on how it failed you might decide to just replace it, and only if it fails again get it checked out by an engineering firm.
I'll agree with jm there. I used a straight edge to check my old cylinder head which was bent like a bannana. Check the head i have now aswell. As jm said its more than enough to insure that you you have a warp or not

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