
New Member
I am in the middle of a major overhaul of my 1999 TD5 Defender, and it seems my alternator is over heating.

Any ideas why???
I have just measured the amps that the alternator is putting out, and it is averaging about 80. I have been told, that it should be around 20 so the problem seems to be it is over charging.
I have just measured the amps that the alternator is putting out, and it is averaging about 80. I have been told, that it should be around 20 so the problem seems to be it is over charging.

The amps will change depending on the draw on the alternator, surely.

Have you checked your battery? If the battery is goosed, it'll be putting more strain on the alternator. Likewise if you've got a high draw on it, it'll be putting more work in.
So next thing to do is check the voltage of battery, if it's full )13.2 volts with engine off, you should look if there's anything else that could be drawing power.
Just another point............
The Defender is a Special Vehicles version, and has a split charging system. I am only using 1 battery at present............Could this have anything to do with it???
Just another point............
The Defender is a Special Vehicles version, and has a split charging system. I am only using 1 battery at present............Could this have anything to do with it???

Where are the cables that would normally go on to the second battery? I would imagine if you insualted the metal well, it should be fine. If they're touching or touching the chassis etc, you've got an electrical fire waiting to happen and a high draw
Thanks for your input. I really appreciate it.
The wires have been disconnected, so no chance of shorting. I have just been up and tested the battery which is fine. It seems next stop is to remove the alternator, and have a look at it.
I have just measured the amps that the alternator is putting out, and it is averaging about 80. I have been told, that it should be around 20 so the problem seems to be it is over charging.

How did you measure that?

Most run if the mill multimeters can only measure up to 5A max

As others have said a bad earth will put a lot of strain on an alternator

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