
Hi I have a freelander td4 sport 05 and it's over fueling with white smoke and misfire at 2000 rpm that lessons when warm iav replaced the injectors with reconditioned ones upgraded the injector rail and replaced the fuel pump has anyone fixed the problem thanks
Sounds like the 2k misfire (do a search for 2k misfire) for many threads relating to the same issue. It has no cure that I've found, and gave up looking in the end.

I believe it's possibly due to oil contamination of the intake air via the breather system, but that's just a guess based on experience of such things. Sometimes the k2 misfire is worse if the EGR has been blanked. This would suggest it could well be an issue with the EDC mapping, not able to compensate for this running condition.
Thanks for your reply.. Iav been told by my Land rover specialist that he believes it cud be a problem with the wiring from the ecu or the ecu but might not be that may need a new head
Thanks for your reply.. Iav been told by my Land rover specialist that he believes it cud be a problem with the wiring from the ecu or the ecu but might not be that may need a new head

I seriously doubt its either of those things.

It'll be oil contamination from the breather, or the EDC getting confused.
Is that a a costly job oil contamination or edc

I believe having an EDC remap can cure the 2k misfire.

Oil contamination needs addressing, or just live with it, as everyone else has to. Mine always did it, and got worse after the EGR valve was disabled.
I just ignored it, or never let the engine run at a speed where it was an issue.
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Could this be a sensor issue? Maybe one of the temp sensors telling the ecu that the engine is still cold, thus over fueling?
Could this be a sensor issue? Maybe one of the temp sensors telling the ecu that the engine is still cold, thus over fueling?

I believe it's the breather system introducing oil mist which is contaminating the air. The issue only happens off boost, when air intake is lower, and fuel delivery is low too. This running condition would mean a proportionally large amount of hydrocarbons/oil mist compared to the air/fuel ratio, which is upsetting the engine.
I'm not 100% sure this is the cause, but it's got to be a contributing factor. Also none of these breather gasses are measured by the MAF, so the EDC will limit fuel, as it sees no additional air flow to the engine.

I'm convinced this issue is down to the breather, only I never got round to proving it.
Guess I'll just have to live it the problem cuss the reconditioned injectors had taken all my savings thair no more money for the car I just hope it don't get worse or that's 2k down the drain within a few months
Guess I'll just have to live it the problem cuss the reconditioned injectors had taken all my savings thair no more money for the car I just hope it don't get worse or that's 2k down the drain within a few months

Nobody has fixed it as far as I'm aware, I gave up looking, and simply avoided running the engine at a speed where it did it.
Thair one way to get around it that is to replace the engine then if it still does it then it's a wiring problem from the ecu or the ecu... And I do the same drive at anything but 2000rpm untill warm then it's ok
Thair one way to get around it that is to replace the engine then if it still does it then it's a wiring problem from the ecu or the ecu... And I do the same drive at anything but 2000rpm untill warm then it's ok

It's so common, there's no way to know if the replacement engine won't do it.
I looked at everything, except the breather system. I gave up looking and just worked around it by avoiding 2k RPM running.
Very thing but the breather system that does help iav got an mot next month so will take it back to the landrover specialist for the mot and see what he says...
Very thing but the breather system that does help iav got an mot next month so will take it back to the landrover specialist for the mot and see what he says...

It won't be a problem for the MOT. The only thing the MOT will worry about is excess black smoke at the max speed governor. ;)
How's the oil consumption? Is yee turbo seals leaking? And are we talking FL1 td4 here?

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