
New Member
Noticed on the motorway that my disco will sit quite happily at 70mph but anything over that (even just 1mph over) sends the temp gauge up into the red region. Putting your foot down at 70 makes the temp gauge go up rather than any other needle :suspicious:

For some strange reason, out of nowhere I am quite convinced it is down to a need for an oil change.

Am I far off?
sounds like you have a partial blockage somewhere! try back flushing your cooling system.im not saying this will cure your problem but its free!
nah.. the rad's hardly ever used really.. even though the thermostat's open and the water's being pumped round at the normal low - mid revs for town driving etc the water moves gently and a blockage in a couple of channels wouldn't make much difference.. at higher revs though when the engine's trying to clear a lot more water through to maintain temp the rad can't cope and slows cooling down.. hence an overheat...

least that's how I understand it anyway
if ya got quite a few fins missin on ya rad, change it am i'm sure that'll sort out ya problem mate
I know a guy who had the exact same issue on the 300tdi.

In the end it was because the Rad was completely blocked up with mud after a little off roading.

The Recovery guy noticed it, towed him to the nearest garage and pressure washed the Rad. Been fine ever since :D

That an R1 in your Avatar flex?

I know a guy who had the exact same issue on the 300tdi.

In the end it was because the Rad was completely blocked up with mud after a little off roading.

The Recovery guy noticed it, towed him to the nearest garage and pressure washed the Rad. Been fine ever since :D

That an R1 in your Avatar flex?


I'd say definatly this, as all three of my mates cars were doing this on the way home from Toms Farm, turns out the middle bit of our radiators were caked in mud and even tho we jet washed, it hadn't rmoved all the mud! :(

Took me nearly 1.5 hours with grill out to full clear all the fins, Think removal and over night soaking in bath of water favorite to full losen mud prior to jet washing!:)

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