Afternoon all.
My brother has recently purchased 04 TD6 VOGUE and has a few issues which other mbrs have also complained about.

Was wondering if there is a list of warranty recalls or upgrades on L322 available anywhere or if anyone has an idea where I can find out?
Many thanks!
You could try VOSA

VOSA - Vehicle Recalls

Most pre 2006 L322 Recalls are finished I believe....but could be wrong...

Any issues bought second hand will probably fall on deaf eyes with LR dealer unless bought through them with a warranty - even then it is a tough job to beat them down....

Golden Rule - never buy a Range Rover with faults unless you know how to fix them and how much it is going to cost!!
WOW! That was QUICK!!!
Fully agree with you but wasn't privvy to the deal till it was done!!!
Will look into it and re-post any findings!
Thanks for your help!
We pride ourselves on being quick - the misses hates it, but hey she can finish herself off - I gotta Land Rover to fix!!!

Let us know the faults - there is a wealth of info on here so stick around or get yer brother to register - it's a Land Rover, if you act as a go between you're gonna find yourself very busy!!

:welcome2: btw....
Know we have concerns with eas, steering wheel adjuster, electric door mirrors.
I'm going to get some fault codes out of it before I post too much!
Don't want to look toooooo stoopid!

As my good friend used to say " It's a Land Rover thing! You wouldn't understand!" And I don't even pretend to!
I'm just glad you friendly people are here!
You say concerns - what is it you are concerned about??

It could be as simple as a tweek.....

Wheres your location - there maybe a helpful member local to you who can help out for the princey sum of posh biscuits and a cuppa....

What is the EAS doing/not doing??
What is wrong with the Steering Wheel Adjustment?
Electric Door Mirros - is it the power folding movement - mine is iffy too....well documented!!

Let us know what you know - without sounding all AA - help us to help you!
contact your local LR dealer, give them the VIN number and they should be able to tell you what service actions etc are completed/outstanding
Read fault codes for EAS today.
Will start new post as very long......
Door mirrors dont fold in, just make a HORRENDOUS racket: Suspect broken cog: Anyone ever stripped & rebuilt a door mirror unit, or will I be the first???
Steering wheel adjustment is a known problem. I believe part of the plastic mounting for one of the motors snaps off and stops it from what it says it should, do a search I know there is info on this 'cause I had a look myself after the adjustment on me mums Vogue stopped working but decided I couldn't face trying to take the steering column to bits.

Mirrors, not heard of them being a problem but would be interested to know what you find. EAS - well just do a search, there is so much on that subject.
Read fault codes for EAS today.
Will start new post as very long......
Door mirrors dont fold in, just make a HORRENDOUS racket: Suspect broken cog: Anyone ever stripped & rebuilt a door mirror unit, or will I be the first???

Re mirrors there is a big write up on the strip down and re build on Full fat range Rover forum . It can often be the micro switch.

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