...possible! :p

Or maybe it's not private land and it's just events held on forestry land or something?? :confused:
Never seen it advertised, either locally or in any of the landy mags. If I was starting such a venture I'd make sure I advertised it heavily. There's plenty of demand for such a venue in NW but I don't know anyone who's been to or even heard of this one. Very odd.
Never seen it advertised, either locally or in any of the landy mags. If I was starting such a venture I'd make sure I advertised it heavily. There's plenty of demand for such a venue in NW but I don't know anyone who's been to or even heard of this one. Very odd.

Sorry to butt into your converstation but living in North wales I also find the lack of pay sites fusrating, I been on a couple of organised events but not ott (never heard of them) unless they are another outfit which have changed the name.

personally found them very disapointing never told of the actual site until money paid up front, them half the day lost following the "leader" on very tame greenlanes I already know and have driven. Then find a **** little field with a few bog holes to get stuck in, spend most of the day pulling others out as complete lack of recovery equipment. If i wanted that would go to talacre beach car park just after high tide for free, i know its mostly blocked off now but still a few mud pits in places.

On pay& play site was so bad we complained like hell. blocked the organiser in and demanded our money back which we got and left at noon to successfully organise our own greenlane trips which lasted 9 hours
Welshlaner that's a tragic tale mate.:( There's a decent demand for a quality site in the north wales area. If I could find some suitable land for rent I'd set something up for definite. There must be landowners with land that's useless for anything else that just don't realise what they're sitting on.:(
There Is A Place Just Behind Caerceiliog On The Lefthand Side Of A55 With A Little Pool In It And It Looks Like Its Been Marked Out As A Course That Would Be Ideal But How Do We Go About Asking
Theres a site near Ruthin used by trial bikes, its a series of old quarries so the land is next to useless. The farmer does "rent" out to 4x4 and sometimes if a large number turn up you can have the site to yourselves for the day/weekend, he allows camping as well, the only problem seems to be he is pricey.

Have approached other landowners one concern to them is 3rd party insurance, trailing clubs have that under the sporting governing bodies, but then often have lots of rules which prevents the fun day element.

Its generally getting harder to find sites, all kinds of problems, SSI land, set aside land, payments to farmers, local opperstition, even quarries have the "birdie" lot watching some rare feather S*** droppers nest, which under various laws you cannot approach within 1/2 mile

Finally theres the "competition" trail bikes, trialing clubs and not just the local ones, theres only so many sites but often booked up for years in advance esp. bank hols and the spring & autumn weekends
Hi peeps, OTT Adventures is indeed located just outside Benllech, the reason the site location was kept hush hush was because all our equipment was stored on site, this has recently changed and as such we are more inclined to publish details of our location.

Before flaming me for how i run my business, it's not mine, i just help out for the benefit of free gaming (we run other activities not off road related).

The site is in excess of 160 acres of evergreen plantation, we encourage drivers to utilise the firebreaks and connecting tracks, we have had groups from cheshire and liverpool who managed to stay occupied for an entire weekend last year and have booked again they enjoyed themselves so much.

The site has options for rock crawling, mud plugging, technical trails, soft roading and more, you are not restricted in your movements through the trees, we openly encourage you to seek out ever more challenging routes and paths, if you think your vehicle will fit, go for it.

I read a comment suggesting the site looked a bit soft, thus far we've had a uni-mog AND an fv432 stuck not at the same time though.

Please visit the website and take the time to view the video, the film takes a direct route from one end of the site to the other without exploring the width.

Off road at OTT adventures

As a business OTT run Paintball, Airsoft, Survival courses and more, we even accomodate other companies who find our facilities ideal for their needs, we are currently in negotiations with Jeep UK to host the launch of their new range of off road vehicles and just this week we will be accomodating a close protection training school as they take their students through evasive driving techniques and ambush prevention and control.

We look forward to accomodating you soon
Thanks rayvon for the brief of the site looks interesting and will take a look, @ £35 for the whole weekend is very reasonable before I do, can you let us know of which clubs/groups from Liverpool/ cheshire visited your site so I could go and join them (if they are a open club) then if possible come with them next time they visit

Go to various pay sites with other clubs in north west england and north wales i consider it not worth going alone, however go with others cause recovery is easy with friends about "on hand". As mentioned before some are just dreadfull.

On the other side of the coin was speaking to a landowner very recently who has been "ripped off" by a club from North West England, and left out of pocket by a large sum. Not heard the club's side of the story yet but it seems a neighbour caught them "sneaking in" extra trucks on a large site. When he counted the numbers they did not match, on confronting the organisers they left leaving club members to sort it out. What upset him is that they visited before on a few occassions so did not get money up front, however he had turned down another group (us) the same weekend. So you cannot be too carefull, suits us though less competition.
Yeas thanks for that rayvon. I just watched the vid right through and it looks good. My comment before was based on the first few mins of the film which is mostly forest tracks. Perhaps a little edit so there's a taste of the more extreme stuff at the start to keep the viewer interested. ;) Anyhow I'll definitely pay a visit sometime. Perhaps those of us on here that are local could arrange something?????
The club that has booked have booked an entire activity weekend, they're doing off-road, paintballing and maybe some tank driving, as such their price is going to be higher than £35, as for who they are, i don't know, i incorrectly credited them on the end of the video as LLROC (Liverpool Land Rover owners club) as i am not responsible for bookings i don't even know the name of the person who is organising their booking.

I will look into this and get you some better info A.S.A.P.

As for the getting ripped off you seem to have experienced, i can assure you we have an excellent working relationship with our landowner, we have been using the land for 3 years now, it was only brought to our attention 12 months ago that maybe we had an off-road site buried in there somewhere.

I will get hold of the number you need to call to make bookings and post it up here.

Last year the site featured in 4x4 Mart, it was part of a feature looking at how the hobby is expanding thanks to the internet and forums i think.

As for local interest we are amazed at how many serious looking off road vehicles we see on our sometimes daily drive to site from the mainland yet we have never seen any of the vehicles on site, our fault for poor marketing obviously.

I will talk with my superiors and see if we can arrange something that involves a good size local contingent coming down for a reduced price days pay and play as a little getting to know you excercise.

Fingers crossed i'll let you know when i know more.
Thank you been on there website they certainly do a lot in north wales, in my opinion be called the north wales land rovers owners club, but that will cause confusion with the local outfits, could not see any mention of ott. However did see on there videos all the lanes and sites they visit and the dates, have meet them on the lanes before big groups of at least 15 trucks pity don't practice what they preach as the website makes it quite clear they follow glass practice.

As for been ripped off in my previous thread mentioned it was the farmer who was ripped off, stange enough near there today and noticed the local camp site now states no 4x4 groups seen this a few times on camp sites must be a new trend as before they stated no youth groups.

As for myself and a few others would be interested in a visit for "local" although still a good 60 odd miles away. The forums are places to spead the word as getting "direct" to the potential users however not all have internet access (or broadband) and not all go on the web. You could try local clubs, but some commitees treat the members like mushrooms so the message does not get though. Best way is still recommondations from people who have been there, look at the site in mid wales (name banned on some forums) never advertised yet popular as ever

Finally was ripped off were promised a certain site, arrived near by, paid the cash then as mentioned a few boring greenlanes no better than forest tracks, and a afternoon in a small field with a hole full of cow s***, yes cow sh**, it was a complete waste of money, time, and petrol

As for local interest we are amazed at how many serious looking off road vehicles we see on our sometimes daily drive to site from the mainland yet we have never seen any of the vehicles on site, our fault for poor marketing obviously.

I will talk with my superiors and see if we can arrange something that involves a good size local contingent coming down for a reduced price days pay and play as a little getting to know you excercise.

Fingers crossed i'll let you know when i know more.[/QUOTE]

That would be cool rayvon, I'm sure there would be lots of local interest if only people knew the place existed. I reckon if you advertised a pay and play day in one of the land rover mags you'd get a good turnout.
Right peeps, spoke to the gaffer and he has agreed to a cheap day, no date as yet but he wants it sooner rather than later due to a fairly busy activities schedule ahead of us.

The cost, will be a mere £15 for an entire day of play subject to a minimum attendance of 12 vehicles.

I will have a date/selection of dates within 24 hours.

I will publish our whereabouts with the date if anyone fancies popping over to say hello in the meantime.
Ok thanks, will keep a "eye" on the thread interested, but the date might be a problem tight calendar for 2007.

As for a minuium of 12 vechicles would suggest you contact a couple of clubs with a large membership such as the one mentioned before, they according to the web site have 107 members, discovered thats 107 units (charge per family),that could mean 107 landies since they are a owners club.

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