
Do any of the knowledgable hereabouts have any idea of the spam I get in my
mail which seems to be a load of totally unrelated sentences about rubbish.
I know why I get the spam ( offspring dont take the advice to avoid idiot
sites; but thats a separate issue I will nail soon ).

I wondered if it was just some idiots idea of a good time or summat more
sinister ?

John H

" ..... it is the provenence of knowledge to speak, and it is the privelage
of wisdom to listen"

Hirsty's <magnum.458@ntlworld.com> wrote:

> Do any of the knowledgable hereabouts have any idea of the spam I get in my
> mail which seems to be a load of totally unrelated sentences about rubbish.
> I know why I get the spam ( offspring dont take the advice to avoid idiot
> sites; but thats a separate issue I will nail soon ).

This is a trick to get through spam filters that look for
spam words and also check for no words or just random words
and the spam is in the attached picture. Then the picture
gets stripped....

Over 90% of the accesses on my mailserver are rejected as
being for silly, made up names that I assume are just padding
so somebody can sell N million 'verified' email addresses. I
have 4000 lines of spam words on my killfile throwing about
3000 spams a month into the bin and some still gets through.

I'm not a violent man, I can even be polite to telemarketers,
but spammers do push me. Some of the spam I get is so distorted
to get it through the filters nobody would buy a product that
badly described so why are they bothering?


Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com


"Hirsty's" <> wrote in message
> Do any of the knowledgable hereabouts have any idea of the spam I get in
> my
> mail which seems to be a load of totally unrelated sentences about
> rubbish.
> I know why I get the spam ( offspring dont take the advice to avoid idiot
> sites; but thats a separate issue I will nail soon ).
> I wondered if it was just some idiots idea of a good time or summat more
> sinister ?
> John H
> --
> " ..... it is the provenence of knowledge to speak, and it is the
> privelage
> of wisdom to listen"

You'll get lots more unless you mung your email address when posting to
newsgroups The weasels trawl the groups looking for email addys many of the
regulars add some obvious reference which needs to be removed to make a
personal reply or for privacy a totally fictional address wiki- spambot for
info http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spambot and how to mung


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