"Austin Shackles" <austinNOSPAM@ddol-las.net> wrote in message
> On or around Wed, 25 Oct 2006 18:42:57 +0100, "William Black"
> <william_black@hotmail.co.uk> enlightened us thusly:
>>A standing vehicle rots away, the engine will drop to bits in a year if
>>isn't used.

> that, I have to say, is crap.
> --
> Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
> If all be true that I do think, There are five reasons we should drink;
> Good wine, a friend, or being dry, Or lest we should be by and by;
> Or any other reason why. - Henry Aldrich (1647 - 1710)

I actually started a Triumph Herald after we had cut down a modest tree
growing through a gap in the bonnet.


In message <eRI%g.15558$gO3.12467@newsfe7-win.ntli.net>
"Hirsty's" <magnum.458@ntlworld.com> wrote:

> Why o why do we continue to be controlled by ar........es with no idea of
> green or planet saving ideas.
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6082690.stm
> better to buy biscuits with only one wrapper and no useless cardboard box.
> They dont even realize that "gas guzzlers" can be more efficient than small
> cars.

I've got a much better scheme - charge drivers on what ever scale,
but pay non-drivers for being really environmentlly friendly!! Now
that really could benefit the environment....


Oh you mean it's nothing to do with the environment, just a
fund raiser....... surely not?

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On Wed, 25 Oct 2006 12:34:18 GMT, Hirsty's wrote:

> Why o why do we continue to be controlled by ar........es with no idea
> of green or planet saving ideas.
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6082690.stm

At least it didn't use the phrase "gas guzzling 4x4" just gas guzzler and
gave examples of "ordinary" motors.

But TBH having just spent half term in London en famille sight seeing I
don't see why anyone *needs* a car in London. The public transport system
is fast, effcient and cheap. Zones 1 to 4 peak day travel card is £8.40
that's only about 20 miles in car (£5.40 off peak or <15miles). No agro
driving in London traffic and/or parking (more expense £4/hr on one meter
I looked at) or congestion charge... The new Oyster PAYG travel card is
capped (per day) at less than the equivalent day travelcard.

Cheers new5pam@howhill.com
Dave. pam is missing e-mail

On or around Sun, 29 Oct 2006 16:27:59 +0000 (GMT), "Dave Liquorice"
<new5pam@howhill.com> enlightened us thusly:

>But TBH having just spent half term in London en famille sight seeing I
>don't see why anyone *needs* a car in London.

you don't for sightseeing nor for getting to and from the office. You do if
you have to carry large stuff around in the course of work.
Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
Soon shall thy arm, unconquered steam! afar Drag the slow barge, or
drive the rapid car; Or on wide-waving wings expanded bear the
flying chariot through the field of air.- Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802)
On Sun, 29 Oct 2006 21:25:35 +0000, Austin Shackles wrote:

> you don't for sightseeing nor for getting to and from the office. You
> do if you have to carry large stuff around in the course of work.

OK "anyone" was too sweeping a word but the *vast* majority of workers in
London carry nothing more than their sandwiches and a newspaper.

Cheers new5pam@howhill.com
Dave. pam is missing e-mail

On or around Mon, 30 Oct 2006 00:06:07 +0000 (GMT), "Dave Liquorice"
<new5pam@howhill.com> enlightened us thusly:

>On Sun, 29 Oct 2006 21:25:35 +0000, Austin Shackles wrote:
>> you don't for sightseeing nor for getting to and from the office. You
>> do if you have to carry large stuff around in the course of work.

>OK "anyone" was too sweeping a word but the *vast* majority of workers in
>London carry nothing more than their sandwiches and a newspaper.

Quite. I did use the tube to get to work for a while, but then I decided
that I could do it more quickly and healthily on a pushbike. But in that
job I wasn't carrying stuff.
Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
"Remember that to change your mind and follow him who sets you right
is to be none the less free than you were before."
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121-180), from Meditations, VIII.16

>But TBH having just spent half term in London en famille sight

seeing I
>don't see why anyone *needs* a car in London.

For the last 30 years, I've worked in London and the surrounding area
with an office on the edge of the square mile.Stopped now thank
goodness. Believe me I would have loved to be able to use public
transport, but in my job although relatively often would I START at
the same location, I would almost never FINISH at the same location,
and as an Engineer would be encumbered with not just tools but the
paraphernalia of supporting technology. On a typical day I may start
in the city, have a meeting in Ipswich by lunchtime and be at another
at the Home Office in the late afternoon. Working for a Manachester
based company they couldn't understand how the London staff got though
clutches so often compared with their local staff. I once counted how
many times I used the clutch on my 8 mile journey to work, and it was
over 200 !!!!


On Sun, 29 Oct 2006 16:27:59 +0000 (GMT), "Dave Liquorice"
<new5pam@howhill.com> scribbled the following nonsense:

>On Wed, 25 Oct 2006 12:34:18 GMT, Hirsty's wrote:
>> Why o why do we continue to be controlled by ar........es with no idea
>> of green or planet saving ideas.
>> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6082690.stm

>At least it didn't use the phrase "gas guzzling 4x4" just gas guzzler and
>gave examples of "ordinary" motors.
>But TBH having just spent half term in London en famille sight seeing I
>don't see why anyone *needs* a car in London. The public transport system
>is fast, effcient and cheap. Zones 1 to 4 peak day travel card is £8.40
>that's only about 20 miles in car (£5.40 off peak or <15miles). No agro
>driving in London traffic and/or parking (more expense £4/hr on one meter
>I looked at) or congestion charge... The new Oyster PAYG travel card is
>capped (per day) at less than the equivalent day travelcard.

interesting letter in the motoring section of the Telegraph on
Saturday, a 1.3l Diahatsu Terios (supposedly green) pays £190 a year
in road tax, while a diesel Rav4 pays £160.........

Simon Isaacs

"Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote"
George Jean Nathan (1882-1955)

ROT13 me....

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