
Well-Known Member
Hi guys i think i know the answer to this problem already but thought id best double check before i go get any parts
Every now and then i get "osf door open" whilst driving or when tailgate is used , also the wife likes to rest her arm on the pasenger side window and often leans on the lock button and that has triggerd the message too ! I open then close said door and it goes away.
Ive now started getting "alarm trigered front os door"when i turn ignition on
Im guessing its just the door open switch? But without tearing the door appart ,where is it? and is it replaceable or is it part of somthing bigger like handle or lock mecanisum ect...
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I'd be interested too!

I wondered this the other day! I looked all over for a switch but couldn't find one. In the end I came to the conclusion it must be working it out from the lock actuator unit somehow but I cannot remember ever seeing anything in there that might do it. Maybe it works out if the lock actuator is earthed or somesuch? Sure Saint or Wammers will know!
The micro switches are in the bottom of the door lock actuator you can replace them but not sure where they can be bought from I replaced the whole thing
Call me daft but the door lock atuator is the bit that atualy holds the door onto the striker pin?
The bit you can see from the side of the door
Just making sure cos i need to go get on this week
Call me daft but the door lock atuator is the bit that atualy holds the door onto the striker pin?
The bit you can see from the side of the door
Just making sure cos i need to go get on this week
The actuator is the assembly with motors and microswitches.
On my 2000 there is a block with three microswitches inside the lock mechanism.
I'd advise changing the entire mechanism, getting it in and out of the door is enough work, especially if you've got big fingers.
They are year dependant I spent 3 weeks trying to find one I would suggest you have a look and see what one yours has, from what I could find there are three types

One with two plugs from the unit on a wiring loom
One with one plug from the unit on a wiring loom
One with a connector on the actuator which plugs on from the car wiring loom

Best to look before you buy!!!!
Knowing my luck it will be the rarest and most expencive
Anyone want to have a educated guess? Its a 98 dt
Well mine was the two connector from the actuator and I had a really hard job finding one I went thru 20 breakers of vehicle and got lucky the most common one was the wire from the unit with the one connector I was getting desperate and was goin to rewire it if you have the knowledge it not hard to do but me being a perfectionist I wanted the right one.

I would say yours could possibly be the two connector one but your best to wip the door card off only takes 5 minutes to do it.

Mine is a 97 dse with leather manual seat and 6 wired mirrors

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