optima do their own charger. have brought a few back from the dead with mine. normal chargers don't seem to work too well with them.
I think optima batteries are overrated compared to what else is on offer, but if you can get some life back into it then who cares...
I agree magicol :)

If its as flat as a witches tit you may need to put power into it via jump leads via another battery NOT with the engine on for a short time (5 mins).
The newer, clever chargers like Ctek wont recognise a nil output so wont start the charge process and that can make people think the battery is beyond charging. Often it is... but this is worth a shot.
I resurected a very dead Odyssey on my Landy which was completely flat and wouldn't accept any kind of charge with an old trick;

Get a big flat piece of wood and smack the battery hard on all sides. Don't dig any points in, just get the wood to hit the battery with hard 'slaps'

Charge it with an old fashioned charger then if you have an intelligent charger swap to that after a few hours.

I was also told not to charge or store batteries on a concrete floor so I stood it on the piece of wood I'd been slapping it with.

Does anyone have any idea why concrete is supposed to have an adverse effect on Batteries?
I think we should call the police.... that is assault and battery :) I heard that air temp is normally warmer than concrete so over time leads to a colder battery = they drain a bit quicker?
As is said concrete dont help batteries, reduces core temperature which is bad.

Ctek and similar smart chargers are worth their weight in gold, BUT dont pay the silly money for them. Aldi and Lidl do an exact copy now and then for around £13, and the only difference between the 60 quid jobbies and the "cheaper" ones is if the power to the charger goes you reset the cheap one, Ctek will resume from its point of charge.

I deal with and teach lessons to do with batteries and chargers and the Aldi/Lidl ones are as good as anything out there, the only charger you will ever need.

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