mick the builder

Well-Known Member
As i havent got much of it left ive decided to go for a side exit. I was going to bring it out behind the back wheel but have just seen one coming out in front of the back wheel. Any opinions or pros and cons in the different exit sites? BTY its a 110.:confused:
i've never liked them... i don't see the point? the proper kit is very expensive and it makes short work of the paintwork above and around with soot all up the side.
I used my existing exhaust and cut the bends required, did away with all the silencers and brought it over the cassis and out between the passenger door and rear wheel, it is a bit noisey if the passenger has their window down at speeds above 50mph
i've never liked them... i don't see the point? the proper kit is very expensive and it makes short work of the paintwork above and around with soot all up the side.

Depends on why you want it.

For looks, nah, cant see the point, but if you do a bit off road, or laneing, it reduces the chance of catching the tail pipe on stuff.
The reason for coming out the side is because i lost the back half in a bog while trying to get close to to river bank. Back roads are not that wide here and often drive into ditches that look solid but aint. Just didnt know if the extra lenght would make a difference.
Performance wise; the shorter the exhaust the, the better it will be for the engine with less restriction and all that.
Looks wise, I'm not that sure... depends on the Defender in question I suppose.
Noise wise, I'd be going behind the back wheels for definite.

I'm of two minds myself too at the moment to put a side exit on mine. Don't really want to go entirely straight through either though. I'll probably be replacing my rear quarters at some stage though due to them having a few dents and screw holes from higher chequer plate that was previously on it so might cut the hole and put in the side exit and see what I think and if I don't like it, go back to standard then whenever I'm changing the panel.
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Mine comes out in front of the wheel just behind the door (90) and to be honest, its not even that much louder from inside, yes you can hear the difference, but you quickly get used to it, Personally i like the sound, it also has improved performance for me quite a lot, much better acceleration. I did do a write up on how i did mine, ill have a look if i can find it
Depends on why you want it.

For looks, nah, cant see the point, but if you do a bit off road, or laneing, it reduces the chance of catching the tail pipe on stuff.

i offroad quit often and take my 110 to its limits and i've never caught mine on anything? plus a new backbox £20 a conversion kit £300+ unless your gna be ripping it off every week i dont see the point.
Thanks abcdedd for your link, i remember your thread now! A friend of the wifes dad makes exhausts for machinery and heavy plant, and after a very drunken episode promised that he would make an exhaust for me.
As for not seeing the point, most mods done to landies like lift kits, snorkles, winches and light bars epecialy those that never leave the city have no point but in the eyes of their owners are a must have.
just offering my opinion as asked. lift kits, snorkels gaurds etc.. have a purpose. if you can get one made free of charge why not? but it will ruin your paintwork.
side exits in front of your rear wheel look gay. :D

Take the time and do it properly and get it exiting behind the rear wheel under the tub.

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