Very envious! Always liked NZ after watching too many films set there, such as The Piano, Tracker, Once Were Warriors... ;)
Very envious! Always liked NZ after watching too many films set there, such as The Piano, Tracker, Once Were Warriors... ;)

Yeh there's a few decent Kiwi made films ('recent' national favourites being Once We Were Warriors and Whale Rider I think) and overseas blockbusters made here. They're quite important to the economy, you have to export a lot of butchered lambs to equate to the money Lord Of The Rings brought into the country!

Sorry OP, spamming your thread, nice pics of NZ, nice boat :)

lol, no probs, I flicked a few of those videoa onto my mates - particularly like the turbine BBQ :) Boats are a bit like Landies - expensive toys to buy and maintain. You never get to use them as much as you want either.
lol, no probs, I flicked a few of those videoa onto my mates - particularly like the turbine BBQ :) Boats are a bit like Landies - expensive toys to buy and maintain. You never get to use them as much as you want either.

Your man on Youtube is a bit nuts, but entertaining!

You can never have enough boats!
cars are just holes in the ground into which we pour loads of money, boats are just holes in the water :)

BOAT - stands for 'Bring Out Another Thousand'
Yeh there's a few decent Kiwi made films ('recent' national favourites being Once We Were Warriors and Whale Rider I think) and overseas blockbusters made here. They're quite important to the economy, you have to export a lot of butchered lambs to equate to the money Lord Of The Rings brought into the country!

Ah, forgot Whalerider- a VERY good film IMO. Of course, the early Steve Jackson stuff centred around zombies, sheep and zombie sheep are good too. :cool:
After getting the IRD open and standing there looking at the insides with a box of barings in my hands - I rung "The Diff Shop" to get them to recondition it. Finally picked it up today - took them 2 weeks to get it back to me!

Thought I'd have quick go at installing it this evening. Started lifting it step by step slipping an extra piece of wood in each time. Then once it was up a bit, rolled the trolly jack under and lifted it with that.

Got it basically 'up' but the right side needs to be lifted higher to get over the subframe bracket so it can all be pushed right to get the splines over and up slide into the gearbox. Each time I tried to lift it that extra bit though, the whole thing just slid backwards over the subframe.

Was late and knackered by then, so left it sitting on the subframe for tomorrow. Had a 4M quake this evening, hope we don't get any more overnight or else it will probably fall off - and the car will fall off its axle stands and down the pit!


Had to laugh and take a pic of this. Was out fishing last night and someone obviously thought their car could make it through this mud flat - but didn't make it. You can see the passengers footprints in the mud when he/she bailed :)


Oh, and while I'm in pic mode, another for Mr Hats taken on a fishing trip a couple of days ago. With the Landie out of action, it was a case of taking the Starlet or the Tomcat over the river bed, and Starlets are boring....


Made it OK, but I'm sure its nice and shiney uinderneath now from being sandblasted by the gravel it dragged along - woops!

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