I see a lot of people are after the technical details, pictures of the process happening and the like. Yes, I'm a bit like that. I'm not interested in family life, I want pictures of machinery. You don't get as far out on the autistic spectrum as me by looking at pictures of families. However, in this case you're trying to sell an idea, and sell emotions, so it is much more appropriate to have happy families through the ages as a first stab at getting folks interested and then (if it were on a website rather than paper based) you could have links through to a story about how old men with pencils behind their ears lovingly hand craft each component and deep fry it in zinc until it is mouthwateringly crispy, this family heirloom-style transfer box will be a source of pleasure for years to come etc. Weblinks or those square patterns that tell your mobile phone to go and visit a website somewhere might be the way to do it.

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