@KingMustafa I might be a tad cynical after 30yrs dealing with the wrong types BUT could you explain why nearly every thread you have started, has been about over-riding security features, on different Land rover vehicles
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No background, imported from Europe. Wanting to over-ride security. Dodgy as a dodgy thing
the i dead is many cars in junk yard here so they always changing ECUs & synchronize them i am the only one that have NANOCOM some people come from 1000km away just to synchronize ecu wth becm
the i dead is many cars in junk yard here so they always changing ECUs & synchronize them i am the only one that have NANOCOM some people come from 1000km away just to synchronize ecu wth becm
There are dealers in Egypt , Tunisia and Algeria. Which will mean there be easier routes to getting help and vehicles. In your part of the world ,where there are dealers, little garages and guys with a shed, in the middle of nowhere will do amazing things, with parts people will be astounded they can find . Its only 1600km (ish) from the furthest northeast point of Libya to Tripoli and similar distance from northwest, so travelling 1000km, in any direction,for one bloke with a nanocom, is questionable.. All sorts of people will have popped up, more locally, with codes,.body work, parts, etc, etc. Rather than some dodgy guy looking for security over- rides, on an English speaking forum, for 'imports' with no background. Also the vehs you have asked about are more than 5yrs old, so are most definitely not imported, legally, in recent years to Libya.
If you weren't always looking for security over-rides my spidey senses wouldn't be tingling.
I'll let others think as they wish, however I say dodgy.
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Just seen that I've been tagged in this...
I unfortunately don't know how to set the GEMS ECU's to free running mode so they don't need a security code. There must be something in the EEPROM chips in the ECU that you would need to change to get it to run without a code, but as to where that's stored or how to do it, I am not sure I'm afraid.

I have the Nanocom, and BECM tools etc to be able to reset lockouts and reprogram BECMs - but nothing else specific to engine ECU's.

I believe there is a company in Australia that can set these ECU's to not need a security code, and I also believe there is a device out there somewhere which probably mimics a security code to the ECU to bypass a locked out BECM (but the ECU would be able to be told to learn the code from the other device) - but I don't know where to get these from either.

Sorry I can't be more help on this one.
theres free running ecu on ebay 65£ for p38 ,do they work,scepital ,they dont give much detail?and how do you know if anything has been done to ecu?
Dear @gold rover i have already done Sir put he seems too busy , if you can please reach him & do it for me

He works away from home a lot. When travelling he often doesn't have internet access. I think he's due back for a few days soon.

EDIT. Just seen he has responded!

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