In other words -

"We're doing #### all to catch / deter these scrotes and if your Landy gets nicked it's your fault because you didn't secure it like Fort Knox."
Thats all nice and that but not everyone has the cash for all, or even some of these security measures. Apart from the fact if you fitted or used that many i can imagine that youll be looking at a time of about 4 days to get everything off so you can actually go somewhere.

Touch wood my landys still here and ive got two or three security measures on it at the moment but i still dread the day that i might wake up and its not there. Nice to know the police are so eager to help and spent time writing a lovely letter.
The police assume we all should fork out more of our money on "protection". MAny forces are against privatisation of policing, but seem happy to advise us to spend our money in the private sector protecting ourselves. This is Britain.
Vehicle theft is a very low priority for our force!!
They can't make money by protecting your vehicle !!
They would rather chase gipsies all over the place ! Much more fun !!
Have you ever seen the word gipsies mentioned in any crime story !!
You won't either , they're told not to print anything about them!!
Don't want mr and mrs normal getting upset do we!!!!
Police are a ####ing joke here ,, we have so much trouble from the so called travellers it's a joke!!!!
I dont blame the police really, they have a lot of stuff on their plate yet have their hands tied so tightly its ridiculous. Look at the investigation that gets launched if they use a tazer. Thats where its wrong, if they tazered someone trying to steal my landy (rightfully bloody so) they would launch a full inquiry, claim that it was unreasonable force, the officer would get suspended and the 'victim' would get compensation. Its this country thats ####ed, not the police forces
I agree with Wolf too

Holy crap Mr Kent Police Civilian In The Offices Whos Been Told To Write This!

You going to lend me the money or shall I go get a loan?? I better get up at 5am to be ready for the school run too!

(See Ive just palmed off the hubby with the daughters KA, left mine to look pretty on the drive and nabbed said hubbys Landy , cos of the white stuff........ and bleeding hell! I broke two nails, bruised my legs and made countless phone calls to the man with the know how, on how to unlock, lift off, disarm, and de-code all the bloody security! Then on how to put it all back on, back in and back up and running when I parked up! Im buggered!)

Ive just heard from a little bird, that in the last month a nearby police force set up a catcher car (Landy) that was stripped down, with the whole of the upper half of the car gone before they caught up with it.

We received a similar letter from West Yorkshire Police. Alas, I have been barred from using Word and email for a week to calm down.
Complete nonsense letter and full of the obvious... but on a positive note, I just read this on the Kent Police site relating to thefts during January:

A 36 year old man from Ashford has been arrested on suspicion of handling stolen goods and is currently on police bail until 21 March 2013. The arrest comes after a significant quantity of Landrover Defender parts, from three separate vehicles, were found at a business park in Ashford. The vehicle parts included chassis, gear boxes and door panels. A vehicle examiner attended the location and identified parts belonging to vehicles that had all been reported stolen in January this year.

Link here
Complete nonsense letter and full of the obvious... but on a positive note, I just read this on the Kent Police site relating to thefts during January:

A 36 year old man from Ashford has been arrested on suspicion of handling stolen goods and is currently on police bail until 21 March 2013. The arrest comes after a significant quantity of Landrover Defender parts, from three separate vehicles, were found at a business park in Ashford. The vehicle parts included chassis, gear boxes and door panels. A vehicle examiner attended the location and identified parts belonging to vehicles that had all been reported stolen in January this year.

Link here

yeah great they caught him,but bail,he will be at it
elsewhere in no time,he should be on a BALL & CHAIN,
weighing about a ton.

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