
Well-Known Member
I'ts not like reverse & drive are next to each other on the selector but still managed to reverse into our raised side of land (lined with railway sleepers). Sleepers are tough, my rear bumper isnt....well not tough enough for a complete r'tard like myself.


Any ideas guys?
Guide dog ? Don't worry it happens, did mine a few days ago, the Enemy wanted to go to ASDA, reversed into a parking spot, watching the car behind me and hit the fecking bollard that seperates the parking bays.:oops::D
Colour coded bumpers made of softer stuff? Ours was rear-ended a few years ago and the only damage was to the exhaust pipe. I didn't believe she'd been in a crash when I first looked but then I found the scratch and then finally noticed the end of the exhaust had been folded over by 90 degrees.
I was rear ended by an HGV last year. Hit the tow hook, caved in his front bumper & not a scratch on mine. I hit the sleepers at an angle so the corner of the bumper took the brunt of it. Looks like the metal bracket inside the bumper has bent. Also, the rear quarter panel has taken some damage & i don't think these are replaceable? I'm surprised the exhaust got through unscathed (thumbs up to Janspeed). I now have the joy of trying to remove the rear bumper. Seeing the amount of rust that fell out of the bumper i'm not looking forward to it, maybe it will have 'loosened' some bolts :oops:
Oh bugger bad luck martyn, some one reversed into the wife's terrano a few weeks back a complete bumper off the bay was 40 quid I'm sure iv seen a breaker on there with a shed load of colour coded bumpers I'll see what I can find.
Oh bugger bad luck martyn, some one reversed into the wife's terrano a few weeks back a complete bumper off the bay was 40 quid I'm sure iv seen a breaker on there with a shed load of colour coded bumpers I'll see what I can find.
I'll have a better look Dave, a quick look this morning & there seemed to be a distinct lack of bumpers on the bay. There is a green one for £45 but it looks worse than mine lol.
I was rear ended by an HGV last year. Hit the tow hook, caved in his front bumper & not a scratch on mine. I hit the sleepers at an angle so the corner of the bumper took the brunt of it. Looks like the metal bracket inside the bumper has bent. Also, the rear quarter panel has taken some damage & i don't think these are replaceable? I'm surprised the exhaust got through unscathed (thumbs up to Janspeed). I now have the joy of trying to remove the rear bumper. Seeing the amount of rust that fell out of the bumper i'm not looking forward to it, maybe it will have 'loosened' some bolts :oops:

It is the one cunningly obstructed by the towing eye that is the total bar-steward should it not move. They should be Torx. E14 rings a bell.
I've just had to replace mine. Same damage other side. Got a good one for £45. Mine is pre colour coding, so was probably easier to find!

If you've never had your old bumper off, be prepared to grind off the heads of the mudflap screws too. And then buy replacements. The whole area is so rusty, you'll probably ruin lots of fasteners getting them off!
I've just had to replace mine. Same damage other side. Got a good one for £45. Mine is pre colour coding, so was probably easier to find!

If you've never had your old bumper off, be prepared to grind off the heads of the mudflap screws too. And then buy replacements. The whole area is so rusty, you'll probably ruin lots of fasteners getting them off!
Ahh, tell me about it.....the rust pile on the floor of the 'impact site' tells a tale of what's to come. The bumpers one nightmare but the rear quarter panel is gonna be interesting to sort out.

This guy has a loads of front bumpers in this listing I can see a green one hiding at the back mite be worth dropping him a message regarding a rear
Ahh, tell me about it.....the rust pile on the floor of the 'impact site' tells a tale of what's to come. The bumpers one nightmare but the rear quarter panel is gonna be interesting to sort out.

If it is any comfort, I recently reversed into a rough stone wall but the bumper is only scratched.

So, an alternative might be a black bumper skin.
Just had a better look, took off the lower tailgate to see whats happening under the plastic of the bumper. The metal inner has creased upwards & downwards forcing the bumper up & catching the tailgate. If i can get the crease out of the metal plate the bumper might be salvageable.
Trouble is, the rear quarter panel has some major rust where it's split so water is getting in somewhere. I think that's going to be the biggest job now. :(

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