
Only one of my windscreen wipers work. If I push it it will move.
At 45 quid an hour labour charge at the garage am tempted to give it a bash myself but I can't find any tutorials or videos on taking off the dash in my 110.
Anyone had this fault and repaired it yourself?
Cheers ta
Just done mine. Replaced the cable and both wheelboxes. It's easy enough if a bit fiddly. There's a guide by Buster on here somewhere.
One thing I would advise is get all the bits you might need before starting as you don't want to have to take it all to bits twice. Mine had a cable that was stripped of it's teeth at one wheelbox and the other wheelbox was knackered so I replaced the lot. Good as new now.
I had this when one of the gear wheels had come loose on its spindle. The dash and instrument cluster comes apart fairly readily - everything is held together with self tapping screws. There are a lot of different sizes so the hardest part of the job is remembering which goes where. Getting the wheel boxes and spindles out is sometimes fiddly as there is an inner 'skeleton' for the dash in some models that means you have very little clearance. This can be levered away from the bulkhead gently with a large screwdriver and there's just room to get the old ones out and new ones in.

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