
New Member
The missus and I were on a lovely drive through Perthshire on our way up to Cromarty (lovely is probably figurative though as it was absolutely ****ing down!) and after plunging into a few puddles on some back roads (nothing out of the ordinary) we pulled back onto the main road. With the rain absolutely coming down in buckets, we ploughed on towards Crieff.

The first sign of trouble came as a series of very short, intermittent power losses while travelling at 60mph+. Each only a half second at most in duration and perhaps only occurring a few times every 15 seconds and this only lasted for maybe a minute or two at absolute most.

Hours later, and perhaps I only noticed it properly the next day, (we were mostly driving small village streets by this point) I noticed a quite dramatic loss in power across nearly the full rev range. At a very rough guess I'd call it a 30-40% loss of power...perhaps more at low revs and when the boost finally built up enough in the high revs it was maybe a little less.

That power loss was there nearly the whole way from Perthshire up to Cromarty...sometimes it seemed to come good but more often than not, the car was gutless.

A) First thing I did was check the fuel filter for water, nothing there.
B) Second thing I did was check the air filter (not sure what made me check, just a hunch that me and my Dad had) and this yielded some clues...see the filter pics attached. The filter had clearly been wet at some point, probably very wet by the looks of things and had actually sucked itself inside out on one of the fins. Plus the inside of the air box looks splattered.
C) Ran the car (only for a few mins) without the filter and it seemed to be fine so I figured a new air filter would sort the power loss issue. Replaced the filter, problem still there.
D) Looked on here and after a bit of searching, figured it might be the MAF sensor.
E) Unplugged the MAF, problem solved. Plugged the MAF back in, problem back, unplugged it agin, problem solved...and you get the picture from there.

So the plan is from here to buy a new MAF (but only a genuine LR part...not convinced the current one fitted is genuine).

Problem is, I still have a couple of unanswered questions that I was hoping someone might be able to help me with or point me in the direction of a thread that can help.

1. How likely is it that the water got in through either the snorkel top or through the drain? Has anyone else had enough water to do damage in this way when it's been raining heavily? It wasn't like I was doing a deep water crossing or anything.

2. Are MAF sensors damaged by moisture? Or is it perhaps coincidence that the sensor seems to have died at the same time as some heavy rain...?

3. What is the little sensor inside the top of the air box for? Tried unplugging this separately to the MAF and it seemed to make no difference at all...

Bit of a massive brain dump this post sorry but wanted to make sure I got it all down in one go.



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if moisture gets on the element then it will affect the temperature of the wire which will in turn confuse it to hell.

you could try drying it out, but ive found in my limited experience that once a maf is not working properly its buggered and will never be the same.

Try drying it though, it doesnt cost anything does it.
Yeah, they do break when they get wet, I have broken 2 in my car (the air intake is the nearside bottom of the bumper).

I was recommended a new one as even when they are dried out they are never the same again.

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