On that note.
I have a funny noise coming from me freelander.........................................................................
Anyone help?
It is very difficult to tell where noises originate. Sometimes you think its at the front, when in actual fact its at the back, and visa verse.

In this particular case, I'd say its most likely coming from the P38 behind you ;)
It is very difficult to tell where noises originate. Sometimes you think its at the front, when in actual fact its at the back, and visa verse.

In this particular case, I'd say its most likely coming from the P38 behind you ;)

it is a funny noise though, like a snorty rhinio in a cave noise.

I'm totally incapable of opening the bonnet though, any advices? ;)
it is a funny noise though, like a snorty rhinio in a cave noise.

I'm totally incapable of opening the bonnet though, any advices? ;)
Well if there's a Rhino in there, I suggest you keep the bonnet shut.

Its probably not a Rhino though, its probably a Hippo.
Well if there's a Rhino in there, I suggest you keep the bonnet shut.

Its probably not a Rhino though, its probably a Hippo.
:eek: prolly for the best :D
How do you replace Piston return springs? Oh and the muffler bearing i think mine is rattling o_O:D
:eek: prolly for the best :D
How do you replace Piston return springs? Oh and the muffler bearing i think mine is rattling o_O:D
There's plenty showing you how to do piston return springs in YouTube
Best fix for muffler bearings is a dab of gungum!!
They're a little grating for what's supposed to be an enthusiast's forum, but I'd rather see these on the road, in the wild than not.

I'm no expert either but I'm enjoying learning about my wheels
its the questions that can be answered with google grind my gears (that said dont see much on this forum) - i think these could dilute the forum and we could loose the experts. but as mentioned a follow up to confirm what fixed the problem is as valuable as the information itself.
i would pop in and out of things and if i can add something i will sometimes i like a LMGTFY and leave it at that lol

BTW haven't closed my last one out yet as it is still off the road :( hopefully get it back this week and i will follow up with a synopsis...
its been a mix of multiple faults, bad luck and holidays..

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