
Well-Known Member
Well after all the problems with the head gasket I thought I could drive it and enjoy it for a week or so, but oh more problems.

While the head was all apart I decided to replace all the U/J's on the propshafts while I was replacing the transfer box bearings, drive flanges and oil seals. After doing the job one of the seals leaked so I had to replace it again but that is a different story.

What I have a problem with now is a vibration at 45mph and upwards.

I have checked the U/J's no play or movement, checked the flanges and they are all tight still, any ideas why, all help appreciated before I take a gallon of petrol to it.

Oh and it is a 1990 90, Hardy Spicer H/D U/J's used and nothing in a blue box in sight.

Did you pull the props apart? (sliding joint) if so did you put them back together in/out of phase properly?
You could remove the front prop and try driving in difflock. if there's still vibration fit the front and remove the rear. At least if nothing else it will rule out your props.
Propshafts all have a personality of their own. Speed specific vibration does tend to make me think of a lose UJ though. It may not be detectable by hand but could be showing up under load. Yeas, as above, try the propshafts one at a time and see if you can narrow it down.
You could remove the front prop and try driving in difflock. if there's still vibration fit the front and remove the rear. At least if nothing else it will rule out your props.

This seems a way forward, typically I am away until next weekend so something to look forward to I suppose.
Not sure if it truly makes a difference, but whenever I replace UJ's I mark each flange/mating surface and corresponding area on the prop with a dab of paint to ensure that when reassembled, everything goes back in the correct 'phase' - I'm told it only takes a slight imbalance in the drivetrain for noises and vibrations to occur. As above, also check each UJ, not only for play within the bearings, but for a poor fit at the flange(s).

Stick with it though - I think that most of us with LR's over a certain age (mine's an '85 90!) have a pretty comprehensive and ever-present list of outstanding jobs to do! Whenever things get a little overwhelming for me, I find that peace and quiet, accompanied by a cold and potent continental lager, helps relieve the pressure!

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