UPDATE! One Ten was found and recovered at 8:30 this morning, we only found out from the police now :)
Good news, glad you got her back and hopefully not too much damage!

Cheers :) The police officer said that there was very little external damage (it was dented before) and the only real damage is the ignition barrel which has taken a battering. The thieves even left the stereo in it? :D
Prob took it for a lift home

Great you got it back, too many just disappear:)

Cheers, you're probably right, sadly though one of my friends had his discovery stolen the same night and it was found the next morning having been smashed into a wall, making it not financially viable to fix :(
Just got the 110 back today, and we now know why the scumbags had abandoned it, they broke the clutch, so now we've got to fix that :mad: Complete ****take :mad:
The only damage it turns out is the clutch plate and ignition barrel. My brothers voluntary excess exceeded the cost of those repairs so theres no point in claiming
Got an idea now to put stop tap in clutch fluid pipe and move the wires from the ignition barrel and run them through a remote switch, at least that will slow them down a bit:)
Got an idea now to put stop tap in clutch fluid pipe and move the wires from the ignition barrel and run them through a remote switch, at least that will slow them down a bit:)

Would be a good idea but once its off its pretty easy to change gear without using the clutch pedal, so wouldnt they still be able to drive?