
New Member
if you don't care about child DNA testing or ID cards maybe this will get you to pay attention to what is going on in the world around you. i think it is really going too far to prevent one group of people from carrying on with their legal work. maybe if the water co. didn't lose 32% of the available water this terrible thing wouldn't happen. or what about the 92% pay rise the water bosses have given them selves? i think it is about time we all stood up for our right to sit down with a nice bucket of water to throw at any passing pooftah. next they will have to ration air because it has been poluted with all the exhaust from these gas guzzling awd's. i have heard from my source in london that there are plans afoot to make drivers breath their exhaust every time they drive anywhere. of course they will be allowed a small oxygen bottle at their side incase they get over come, or in the case of gaylanders, cum over.
we need to form ourselves into an active group to over throw the goverment so we can continue to do as we please without interference from some **** in a suit. i suggest a rally of landies to form up and run circles around parlement, of course we would need some thing that sticks out to lead this protest so i would like to offer lead position to yella disco, on the understanding that if any gaylanders turn up they will be in front, as i'm sure now of the rest of us would NOT like them behind us.
[SIZE=-2]Click to enlarge photo[/SIZE] LONDON (AFP) - Circus clowns have fallen foul of a drought order granted to a British utility because of diminishing stocks of water, a number of newspapers reported.Entertainers from Zippo's Circus were told they risked heavy fines if they continued to throw up to 20 buckets of the increasingly precious resource over each other in their slapstick "slosh" shows, Saturday's papers said.
With a hosepipe ban also in place, the funnymen and women will not be able to squirt each other with water from plastic flowers in their buttonholes, either.
The circus is currently pitched in Wallington, southeast England, where the drought order granted to Sutton and East Surrey Water to restrict the "non-essential use" of water comes into force Saturday.
It was granted because a series of dry winters has left reservoirs and underground aquifers in the densely-populated, water-hungry southeast severely depleted.
"The water board has had a complete sense of humour failure," said Zippo the Clown Martin Burton.
"I called them up to check the act was okay and they said it broke the rules and threatened me with hefty fines and cutting off our water supply.
"It is ridiculous and they need to chill out. The great British public don't like getting wet themselves but absolutely love seeing others getting drenched. And this treat is confined to the circus.
"I could collect rainwater or use mineral water but the water board are so zealous. I can't be sure they won't just cut off our water without investigating if someone reports it."
Stuart Hislop, from the water company, was quoted by the Daily Telegraph as saying: "No one else is allowed to fill buckets from a hose in their back garden and throw them over each other, so why should the clowns?
"It's a total waste of water."
no i don't give up and you'll be glad of it when it stops the guys with silienced mp5's paying you a visit, just because of the colour of your disco! believe me it will come to death squads as sure as freelander drivers are gay. do you think T B will refrain from having you taken out just because it might upset the press? thats if BBB (big bad bush) don't decide to invade to get his hands on welsh coal! well you decide to join our revolution just give me a yell and i'll sign you up. we don't have many members, in wales so you could be executive manager for north wales if you like.
but do take my warnings seriously otherwise they'll get you!
Bet yer worried now Yella?
Men in balck coats wi silenced Mp3's yer disco's the wrong colour
and i'm ****in Gay!!!
Wots the world comin to eh

mock all you like but we that know the truth will not be put off by non believers.(i bet some of you still think the world is flat) and if i was you i'd keep quiet about being gay as you'll be first against the wall. how can you still have you head in the sand when the writing is on the wall?? ****ing down with rain but there is a drowt. how? i ask can that be, unless the masters are controling our ever act and movment. it started with the census now they are watching our ever move.
you know that anti-theift tracking device you have fitted? well guess what. yes ..thats another way they know where you are. and teh next time you have a blood test done they'll implant a bug so they know everyone you speak to. be afraid!! be very afraid!! they will take control
Oy burkster. Are you the fat one wi the big tongue then?
One Step Beeyyyyoonnnddd naa naa naaaaaa nanaa na na na nanaaaaa?
Ey! its not subliminal messages is it? ffs.
ere mondo i think the 'fat one with the big tongue' was in 'bad manners' and it was' maddness' that sang one step beyond. and just for the record his name was buster gut or buster cherry or buster nut
slob said:
ere mondo i think the 'fat one with the big tongue' was in 'bad manners' and it was' maddness' that sang one step beyond. and just for the record his name was buster gut or buster cherry or buster nut
Yer your right slob, Bad Manners, that wer him:)
It wer a long time ago( when i wer a lad) an all that,
I just thought it was a good idea to keep the berk! repling to the thread,
At least, when hes in his bedroom, on the internet,he's not out on the streets:rolleyes:
Just me bit for care in the community:D
He is entitled to his oppinion tho,
Bless him!
yeah i know what you mean. the hooplehead come on here and starts sprouting his politcal cobblers as if we care. i don't ,, do you? does anyone??
Angry young men eh!!
Ive had that ferkin tune in me head all day tho, Bad Manners and madness
Eey! them wor days
i'm only trying to point out that people that run the world have little care for what happens to the rest of us. when was the last time you seen a politician on the front line of a battle?? you should care about what is happenning to us and our lives. have you not seen the matrix? it can happen and will happen
burkster said:
i'm only trying to point out that people that run the world have little care for what happens to the rest of us.
Yep I agree totally!
What i do object to is dopey ****wits like you that live in yer own little world ,spoutin total **** to anyone you think? might be intrested,
A sad **** that seems to think. that if we dont agree with YOU, or drive the wrong colour, type of car then we must all be Gay
Feel free to spout is much ****e as want to, Somewere ****in else!
Paid yer Greenpeace subs this yer have yer?
DOPEY ****WIT!!!! i'll have you know i have an IQ of 105 and 2 degrees from uni. so don't call me dopey you insensitive arsehole. people like you think you know it all just because you like maddness and that fat **** from mad banners. maybe you anti me because your one of them? what yer job? probally planning officer or a traffic warden. as for green piece they can be next against the wall after you.
burkster said:
DOPEY ****WIT!!!! i'll have you know i have an IQ of 105 and 2 degrees from uni.
MMMmmm! That explains it then!
Must have studied very hard to become that STOOOPID
Let me guess (History and Politics)
actually its quantum mechanics and international terrorist studies. i was going for a third but decide my time was better spent trying to educate the masses in the wrongs being done to them. but it seem you are all too gay and thick to realise

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