
Well-Known Member
So I have been ignoring this noise for a little while :oops:, but figured it best to try and get a little more info on it. So to clarify, my front prop shaft is furbar, its about to pop out and I know that, it makes a big old clunk on and off the accelerator. I will get round to sorting that when I get the money. But the other noises concern me a bit, noticed it worst driving into a scrappy earlier and the dirt road had MASSIVE potholes, and all I could here was massive clunking noises, and I don't know if a prop shaft would behave like this? I also occasionaly get a grinding noise but only on turning right above a certain speed. I have only just fitted complete new suspension, all OEM, new shocks and springs, and new airbags etc, all as far as I can tell everything looks good. Also fitted all new brakes including calipers, that all looks fine too. Maybe should also mention its running with no ARBS right now so there is more body roll than usual... if that helps, was thinking more stress on UJ's?
It could be the wheel bearing/cv joint for the grinding noise turning right and Watts linkage for the clunking noise on uneven surfaces.
Check your tyres aren't hitting the radius arms at full lock. Happens when you change suspension sometimes as it rides at a different height.
Thanks for the info, didn't get a chance to look today but will tomorrow!.... well depending on the weather.
Actually seemed a bit weird today, I took a tight road corner and the one rear tire went up on the curb and then when it came back down I stopped, but it seemed like the clunking continued maybe 3 times after the vehicle stopped moving.. like a worn spring going up and down a few times after a bump.. but the car was perfectly still.. weird o_O
I think checking the Watts linkage is a good idea though, but I really do need to sort that prop shaft cause the amount of noises it makes it gets hard to tell whats what.

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