before buying my discovery, i was (somewhat foolishly) toying with the idea of getting a freelander, as a halfway house between my existing saloon car and a proper motor. had a chat with the bloke at Roberts Country Vehicles in East Peckham (very knowledgeable and helpful, for anyone in the area....) and - after jumping in and out of a couple of F/L's he had in, it became apparent that, at 6'5" and best part of 20 stone i was not going to fit in to one comfortably for love nor money

"if you'll excuse my bluntness, sir" says the RCV bloke "it's probably just as well - why would you want a f**king girls car anyway...."
Never though of it like that before. Its not a girls car in the way a new mini or VW Beetle is though.
i think it was a pet hate of his - that comment was followed by a ten minute diatribe about "the nearest they get to offroading is sticking two wheels up on the kerb outside waitrose - and that's only because they can't park properly..."
FL's are SO a girls car, my wife loves hers!!!!!!!!! Then she has no taste, and thats why she married me!!! LOL!

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