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Is this off road programme a load of staged obstacles and trick photography
Or what!! Or do you find it entertaining??
It's dire :lol:

Two tubes hamming it up over contrived obstacles. The 'tension' as they struggle against adversity is very low quality fakery.

The bit of the one I watched had the fool driving into a 'surprise' swamp at about 20mph which is a competely stupid thing for the so called expert driver to do but strangely it was filmed from the swamp so not much of a surprise:rolleyes:.
I'm glad it's not just me that thinks it's bloody obviously staged and the route mapped out down to the inch. I still watch it for some reason but it does make me angry. Last night they were ab-sailing the bloody thing down a steep hill. He could clearly have driven it.
Yes it was the abseiling bit that made me realise what a load of 80llocks the programme is must of been 30ft high and 45 degrees, and the bit where they were stuck on a little boulder in the river and if they didnt get out it would be all over.
They had the basis for a really good programme, but they decided to do it easy and make it look hard, rather than just do it hard and accept what happens.
Don't have Discovery channel so downloaded the first programme in the rain forest .. what a load of feckin' tripe!

So obviously staged, so obviously NOT in danger .. OK, the river crossing could have been interesting, but again so staged I wouldn't be surprised if they hadn't had ropes strung to stop them floating off, or a recovery vehicle stood by!

I saw no redeeming features to the programme at all ...
It doesn't get any better either. In fact, that was probably one of the better ones!
Was hoping for a good program but am deeply in impressed everything's americanised ( dramatised) instead of actual danger and excitement .

Will probs keep watching tho if it comes on lol
The so called 'expert' driver is just a fat lazy american who can drive a manual car! That must qualify you as an expert over there.
accidentally came across it the other day (the half shaft 1), the the fat yank should have cut the tree down looked like he could of done with some exercise :mad:
what a load of bollox!
The so called 'expert' driver is just a fat lazy american who can drive a manual car! That must qualify you as an expert over there.
I must be like the Stig then, because I'm fit and can drive a manual tranny.

I need my own show. How's bout this: A slow Merkin gets duped into buying an old Land Rover and tries to get it to meet British MOT standards here in the land of the free and the home of.
Man Vs Food.

A programme about food, and eating it...'tis what they are good at.
should stick to that subject matter only. Everything else coming across the pond on our airwaves is garbage.

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