I have and they said 7,300 and the tax is due at the end of the month.

So I just e-mailed them again saying I only have 7k to spend, sorry to muck you about.
See what they say to that.
Very nice car and very rare colour
Can't make my mind up about that colour - at first I thought Oh my God !, that's horrible - but it's slowly growing on me
Don't forget to find out when it was first registered in 2001 - after the 1st. of March and it will cost you dear in road tax !
Good luck - I bet they get back to you re price
Don't worry, it's too far away fer me ;) X reg is the last of the "cheap" car tax years, Y reg onwards cripples you.
I've just offered him £7200....................................................................:D
The garage by me (staffs) dose it for £180 ,thats everthing and spark plugs. tyres from £60 upwards pads from £20 upwards.. thats on my 4.6..
Dont know about that..there may be at main dealers but they are very dear.. the garage i use the peps that own it i use to work with at fords so i do trust them100% they change everything that would be done on a major service and all for £180. ther is a guy on ebay(jason) hes good,he did my o rings for £100 ex LR worker so he knows his stuff. I think he comes to your house(depends where you live but travels quite far.he lives south midlands) thats about£150 for a serivce but not sure what he dose for that??

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