ok so after working some killer shifts and not finishing till after dark i finally got the disco up on the ramps and had a look at the sedimentor ive seen silmiler things on plan equipment but they have been metal and glass combo and easy to take apart so for the thick ones on here I dont want to break the plastic piece of ****e so how dose it come apart without busting it up. when one of you comes up with the goods on how to get it off i will then check the lift pump again and unions etc.
thanks for all the help so far everyone.
I tried to ask the pope but security wasnt having none of it :)
The sedimenter is not plastic its a ally/zinc casting. there is an 11mm bolt on the top that you have to undo to drop the bowl, the bowl will probably be stuck and need a bit of force to shift it. This is where it get interesting as when it comes off water/fuel/crap will fly everywhere, i have read its worth fitting a new gasket but i did not have one and its been ok so far.
One thing I notice has not been mentioned, happened to a mate of mine.

The pipes on the top of the fuel pump had corroded and he needed a new pump.

Have a look under the inspection hatch in the boot.

Good luck.
ok so here it is then the update so far, cleaned the sedementor out and still no joy removed the inspection pannel and pipes were fine going into the tank. Bonus i thought this can only mean its the lift pump so to be sure i thought id wip the lift pump off my bruvs rrc that was a sound runner, got his lift pump and swapped it for mine and still **** all nothing took it back off and pumped it into my ear and there was nothing no sound and no blast of air from his lift pump or the one i took off so his rrc as well as the disco must of been running on prayer and karma alone cause neither lift pump done a thing must of just been hanging in there on the injection pumps power or something.
picking up 2 new lift pumps tomorrow will post the results tomorrow if its not raining and dark when i finish tomorrow.
i hope this is the end of it all now
no doubt about the fuel lines integrity my bruv managed to suck the fuel up the fuel line and get a mouthful without any trouble
Doris's disco was a right pain in the arse with similar fault. eventually I took a feed stright from battery through a fuse and a switch to fuel stop selnoid on inj. pump however not 100% sure this cured it as next day timming belt lost all its teeth and bent 8 push rods. replaced timming belt and loads o other jobs done while engine down. all fixed and runs gr8 but not really sure what fixed lumpy run / cuts out but defo try wire from battery tis only lecky bit in the system
the saga is finally over weekend before last replaced the lift pump and the oil burner is running sweeter than she ever did. still doing my head in that when i first checked the lift pump she squirted loads but it was her all along evem blagged my bruv into taking his off for me to try only to find that his was shagged as well even though his rrc ran fine so i got him a new lift pump as well thanks for every ones help

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