
New Member
Not looking too good is it chaps :eek:






Yes this is what happens when you have no money and buy a Disco :(

Too far in to it now to give up :(
ah fink that if that were mine, I'd be breaking fer spares!

good on yer fer takin on such a big job!
one can only assume that landrover ran out of disco metal fer yer side and used a bit of gaylander door metal and then yer wint and got it wet.
contact C.A.B. and see if they reckon you can get some compensation from landrover
Christ on a bike Chaos! hope you don't think my 4 spare nuts are going to hold it all together, try a bit of gaffa no one will notice promise!
I suddenly feel my disco is in wunnerful condition....thank you, I feel soooo much better
The trick is to only look at a bit of it at a time. Doesn't seem so bad then! :)

Had a classic RR in a similar state, started welding the back wheel arches and finally ran out of rust at the headlights! Looking at it I'd guess the sills n floor pans'll have had it too. Oh, maybe I shouldn't have said that....:eek:
Captain, im planning on getting a disco and ripping the injun and axels off it. When I do would you want the carcus for body panels??
that happened to my first disco scrap it and get a decent one you know where to check for the rot

Well thats it folks ............ project now breaking for spares :(

Due to the purchase of a newer Discovery :D (it's the red one) 300TDI :D

You should never give up to easy when there is so much free metal about to repair it. Do it the T*p Gear way (council estate Garage roof tin) just needs the ridges bangin out.
121.000 miles ....... MOT Feb ........ £1000 :D :D :D :D

Rev counter not working and a couple of indicator faults but other than that pretty damn good hey? :D :D :D :D

That looks absolutely brilliant, well done, really well done.

You lucky b*gger:D :D :D

Cheers and good luck

hang on, seen them pics before........

YUP you have :D

They were used in my greenlaning write up in the greenlaning section on here ;)

The green one in the pics is my now to be dismantled 200TDI (my first Landy) and i have bought the red one from the friend who came with us ;)

Very lucky to get her too :D
I've got a **** load of rust vito in my shed, but its to late for that...
But its hear for the next time if you need it?

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